Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I haven't even made an attempt to correct this, and by the way, updates will be even slower now since I have to go back to school tomorrow

Harry and Louis were laid on the couch, Louis tucked up under Harry's chin with his head resting on Harry's chest and a hand fisted in Harry's shirt, their legs were tangled and Harry was aimlessly twirling Louis' hair around his fingers as he watched the film. Louis had all his intentions on watching the DVD, really he did, but that was pretty difficult when he found the steady up and down movements of Harry's rhythmic breathing so mesmerising. Harry was completely engrossed in the film and didn't notice when Louis rested his chin on the back of his hand so he was staring directly at Harry's face which was blank and calm as he watching the moving pictures on the screen.
They both just sat like that for a while, just watching.
"Harry?" Louis said, breaking the silence but only in return for something better: Harry's attention. Harry dragged his eyes away from the screen to look back at Louis whose hair was slightly mussed from lying with the side of his head flat against his chest.
"Yeah?" Harry mumbled his speech lazy and long in his relaxed state.
"What are we?" Louis asked quietly, waiting for the answer that he didn't know if he would like or not.
Harry smiled dopily, "We can be whatever you want us to be, Louis" Harry said, leaving a wide range of options for Louis. What does he want them to be? Best friends who occasionally kiss and give each other hand jobs? He wants to be Harry's boyfriend, but that sounded a bit too forward.
"Well, I want us to be together, we could be like..." Louis trailed off as he still hadn't really thought of a good 'label' for them yet.
"Boyfriends?" Harry filled in carefully. Bingo.
Louis nodded shyly, his eyes travelling downwards so they were looking at Harry's exposed collarbones, not a good idea. Luckily Harry was already hooking a finger under Louis' chin and bringing their eye contact together again,
"Yeah Louis, that's fine" he smiled. Louis gave a sigh of relief before nestling back under Harry's chin and cuddling close.
That was that then.
Louis came round the next day, his eyes bright and an extra skip in his step as he went to see his boyfriend, a word sickly sweet coming from his lips, not that he could tell his mum that, no, being gay was a sin, and being kicked out of his home did not look nice, he knew he could always come to Harry, but then he would just feel like a charity case, sponging of their not-too-large income.

“What is that?” Louis asked as soon as he saw the white gauze wrapped around Harry’s left arm, just below the inside of his elbow. Harry just smiled mischievously as he let Louis into his house and up into his room. When they were both sat crossed legged on the floor facing each other, Harry stuck his arm into the space between to them and looked at Louis expectantly,

“Why don’t you have a look?” Harry asked, nodding his head pointedly down at his arm as he urged Louis to take the bandage off. With careful, delicate fingers, Louis did just that and began to unravel the white material.

He threw the strip of fabric onto the floor beside him, he inspected Harry’s arm thoroughly, and that’s when he saw a small patch of red, the skin looking angry and irritated, and that’s when he saw it, surrounded by all of Harry’s other rebellious tattoos he saw a single ‘L’ squeezed in next to a huge red rose (a tattoo Harry had had done previously). Louis gave a collective gasp before looking back at Harry who was also looking down at the tattoo seeing how it looked for the first time, Louis brought his hand above the ink, hovering above it,

“Can I?” Louis almost whispered, Harry nodded and Louis brought his hand down gently to touch the black letter. He traced it multiple times before retracting his hand and leaning closer to Harry and joining their lips in a bruising kiss. Harry moaned softly as Louis climbed onto him, straddling his lap, their breathing was laboured at the kiss grew hotter and tongues were added into the mix. As their lips were moving together, Louis traced his thumb over the tattoo, stroking it lightly; he started to trail his hand down Harry’s arm and clasping his fingers around Harry’s wrist.

“I don’t know how to do this” Louis mumbled into the kiss, Harry’s lips muffling the words slightly.

“Do what?” Harry spoke into Louis’ mouth, not wanting to break the heated contact. His question was quickly answered as Louis brought his hand down to squeeze Harry’s crotch.

“Oh” Harry muttered, in recognition, understanding what Louis had been suggesting. “Louis, whatever you do will be fine,” Harry said, reassuring Louis greatly. Louis could tell that Harry was pretty far gone anyway from the bulge in his jeans and Harry’s heavy breathing, which was also caused from Louis’ rough pounce on Harry and their kissing.

Louis pressed the heel of his hand into the stiff material of Harry’s jeans, unbuttoning them and unzipping the fly quickly. With Louis’ hand closer to the goods, Harry’s whimpers got more frustrated and Louis vaguely thanked the Lord that Anne had gone grocery shopping. Louis continued to stroke his thumb against the skin of Harry’s stomach, massaging the flesh as he slipped his hand into Harry’s boxers so the hot press of Harry’s crotch was against his hand. Harry nibbled lightly at Louis’ lips containing his moans at the contact he needed was rewarded and as Louis began to stroke his length. All too soon it was over and Louis’ hand was coated in Harry’s substance and Harry fell so his back was flat against his bedroom floor. Louis was still sat up with his legs either side of Harry’s hips and he was left looking at his hand,

“Oh” Louis whispered.

“Oh” Harry repeated, giggling . Louis rolled his eyes and stood up, looking around the bedroom for a tissue. Before he could get away, Harry grabbed a hold of his (clean) hand and kissed each of his knuckles lightly, before letting out a final, quiet,

“Thank you.”

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