Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Georgia, again

A/N: I know I say this everytime but this really is the worst chapter I have ever written....and it took me ages to update so I added a nice little fluffy scene for the sake of it, thanks for bearing with me....and to Georgia for egging me to write it

After their little ‘get together’ at Louis’ house, they have been meeting up a whole lot more, at the coffee shop, but mostly at Harry’s house, which was where they were situated now and were currently having an argument now about who had the best sense of style, and since both of theirs were completely different, it wasn’t really going anywhere.

“You would get lost in the fucking night with all your black!” Harry giggled at Louis who was still full out laughing about Harry’s previous comment, something about a raccoon and ice cream, no one would really know because it didn’t make sense to anyone but Harry, a bit like his tweets, something that he had definitely not been stalking.

“Well what if someone wanted to murder me, huh? I could blend in, yet you would stick out like a sore thumb with all you’re luminous, glow in the dark, colours” Louis countered, a smile stile present on his face.

“What about the complete opposite? What if I needed someone to see me because I was lost?” Harry replied, it was petty but was the only comeback he could think of. Louis’ eyes darkened at the challenge before standing up and flattening out one hand and scrunching the other into a fist, he brought them both together and smacked the skin together, acting tough, well that was the impression Louis was trying to give off.

“Well come on then, punk boy, how about a wrestle?” Louis said, both his fists clenched now but with the cat like grin on his face, Harry could not really take him too seriously.

“Oh it’s on” Harry said, standing up and positioning himself in a similar stance to Louis and bringing his face really close to Louis’ to appear threatening. Louis just chuckled even though he did feel slightly intimidated as Harry was a few inches taller than him. Harry then pretended to spit into his hands as if he was getting ready, before stepping back to begin the countdown before they could start pouncing on each other.

Except that was what was meant to happen, but with Harry’s clumsiness and Louis’ lack of balance, Harry fell over his own feet for God’s sake and unfortunately, fell straight into Louis who toppled over and crashed to the carpeted floor with a thump. Harry landed bang on top of Louis with their legs tangled and faces touching, perfectly aligned, meaning that not only was the top of their face touching, but the bottom half, as in their lips. To say Louis was mildly surprised when Harry began to move his smooth, soft lips against his own slightly chapped ones would be a massive understatement in itself.

But nevertheless, he let Harry take control of the kiss as he didn’t exactly have much experience at kissing as he was one of the most un popular boys in the school therefore everyone avoided him like the black plague or something. Harry look full use of the advantage and started to press down more onto Louis’ lips, making the kiss harder and rougher, they weren’t yet making out really, just moving their lips against each other’s, more a sweet kiss, but maybe not so sweet enough to be called chaste though. It was more the pent up emotions from both boys that made the kiss last so long and so enjoyable though, now they knew they were both on the same page and knew where they stood, and they weren’t just imagining the lingering looks they had been giving each other almost constantly over the last few weeks.

Louis smiled slightly into the kiss before pulling back, more for the need of air than anything, Harry’s lips followed Louis’ to try and prolong the kiss but Louis was adamant and twisted his head to the left so Harry’s lips met his cheek.

Harry pushed off from Louis so he was left just straddling his waist and looking down at the startled boy who was trying to refill his lungs after basically not breathing for 2 minutes.

When Louis had got his breath back, he looked at Harry who was also looking at Louis looking very flushed with his cheeks red and lips swollen.

“That was, ugh, nice?” Louis sighed, still confused about how and why Harry had kissed him. Harry breathed out a laugh,

“Nice enough to do it again?” Harry chuckled, but despite his comical manner, the question was serious. Louis nodded, leaning his head up to connect with Harry’s yet again who was leaning down. Their lips joined again, this time a bit more heated as Harry slipped his tongue into Louis’ mouth, both of them swirling them around playfully.

Well, that was a long time coming…

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