Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Guys I'm so ill so you are well lucky to even get an update, even if it is bad lol, now let me get back to wallowing in self pity

So Anne had asked Louis to basically give Harry a makeover, as in change his sense of style and even if she only meant it as a joke, Louis completely agreed with her, Harry’s clothes were very bright. So Louis was taking it completely seriously. He felt a bit like Gok Wan, and to be fair, he was camp and as gay as him so it was a pretty good example.  

Step One for Harry’s Transformation: Music

The music you listen to changes your whole view on simple things, it changes your aura, so maybe if Harry listened to some more calming, less ‘I want you to bang you head against the wall along with the beat’ sort of music, he may feel more inclined to wear less luminous clothing.

Well that is what Louis hoped anyway. Louis had bought a whole range of CDs such as Ed Sheeran, Neon Trees, Bruno Mars and Coldplay to name a few, the usual stuff you would find in Louis’ iTunes, but maybe not so much Harry’s.


Louis knocked on Harry’s door, the HMV bag swinging in his hand as he stepped back off the step, waiting for someone to open the door. The unmistakeable mop of curls popped up behind the glass as Harry fiddled with the lock, turning the key to open it. When he saw Louis stood on the grass looking sheepish, he waved him in and stepped closer to the wall to let Louis past,

“Hey babe,” Harry said, still smiling at Louis and waiting for him to take his shoes off.

“Hiya, I come bearing gifts!” Louis exclaimed, lifting the bag up in the air. Harry looked at it curiously for a moment before leading Louis upstairs to his bedroom.

“What have you got?” Harry asked suspiciously, eyeing the bag.

“Music for you to try out thought it would be a nice change” Louis smiled, sweeter than sugar, doing quite well considering he still hadn’t crumbled under Harry’s intense glare.

“Why? I like my music” Harry asked, still eyeing the back and every so often flickering his eyes up to Louis.

 “Can you at least look at them?” Louis sighed, not really knowing how to respond without giving the game away.  Harry nodded and watched as Louis got the CDs out of the bag, he laid them all out on the bed in a straight line and watched as Harry scanned them all quickly before shaking his head.

“No way am I listening to this shit” Harry said, still shaking his head in protest.

“Pleaseee, I spent loads of money on it” Louis whined, he was relentless, if doing all this might make Anne like him even more than she already did, then it was a job worth doing.

Harry eyed him suspiciously, “I will give you the money back”

“I don’t want the money, I want you to put them to good use and listen” Louis grumbled, shoving the CDs closer to Harry.

“Don’t you like my music taste?” Harry moaned, looking at Louis with big green eyes that would put anyone under a trance when used in the right way.

“Well, no, but you are entitled to your own likes and disl…”

“My mum put you up to this didn’t she?” Harry growled, his eyes lighting up in recognition.

“N-no, she didn’t…” Harry smiled then at Louis’ nervous stuttering. Harry grinned and crawled over to Louis, pushing him to the floor and kneeling on top of him, his necklaces brushing over Louis’ chest.

“She bloody did didn’t she?” Harry said, leaning down to bury his nose into Louis’ neck. Louis squirmed under the contact, trying to get away, but not succeeding; he eventually gave in and nodded, jostling Harry slightly,

“Yep, and apparently I’m not very good at secret missions” Louis laughed, lying limp on the floor under Harry. Suddenly Harry brought his face out of Louis’ neck laughing,

“I can’t believe you thought that would work” Harry giggled, and soon enough, Louis was chuckling along with him. Harry brushed his lips against Louis’, the kiss was messy and clumsy as Louis was still laughing but it was nice nonetheless. Harry rolled over, bringing the older boy with him so Louis was laid flat on top of Harry, their bodies aligned. Harry always seemed to be the one that controlled the kisses; he thought Louis might want a go. He certainly did as he took control, licking into Harry’s mouth sloppily as he was still quite new to this kissing thing, but he knew Harry wouldn’t bring it up, he was just like that. Another thing he loved about Harry Styles.

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