Chapter Twelve

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A/N: IT'S SORT OF A MATURE CHAPTER...YOU ARE WELCOME. And sinse I've been told I'm not allowed to say how bad my writing is, I don't really know what to say except...


Louis struggled to pull the short sleeved, black tee over his chest as he ran down the stairs, Harry was here as he had previously heard a sharp knock at the door and Louis had needed to get changed quickly as the flowers had left yellow pollen to stain his shirt. He didn’t even know why he bothered when he opened the door to see a tired looking Harry, his hair was a mess, his eyes were still droopy as he had obviously just woken up and ran straight round to Louis’ house, his shirt was still crumpled, a tell-tale sign. Louis just wanted to pull the withered boy into a massive hug, but that was defying the point, plus he knew, by the end of the night, he wouldn’t be able to carry on holding the grudge.

“Can I come in?” Harry pretty much whispered, causing Louis to have to strain his ears to hear the boy’s muffled words. Louis nodded, feeling rude that he didn’t invite him in earlier, too busy taking in the boy’s dreadful state, even though he probably didn’t look much better. Harry sidestepped Louis, walking through into the living room, when Louis had locked and bolted the door he retraced Harry’s footsteps and followed him into the living room, he was met by Harry who was curled in on himself and looked as if he was being swallowed whole by the deep, sofa cushions, along with his jumper that was hanging loosely around his upper body, low enough to give Louis a perfect view of his ever so enticing collar bones. Louis coughed awkwardly and plodded over to the arm chair, it was weird sat like this, usually they would be cuddled up on the couch together (even if they were usually at Harry’s house) or at the very least, touching in some way. When Harry saw that Louis had settled, he jumped right into it,

“Lou, I’m so sorry. You know what Niall’s like,” Louis groaned, not Niall again “and you know we have to keep our image. If I went around holding your hand and kissing you, I-we would be slaughtered. As I told you in the coffee shop, I worked so hard to build this status for myself, I can’t just lose it over something as petty as this” Louis could feel tears spring to his eyes, petty, was that all he was to Harry? Well he was pretty pathetic if he was crying over something like this, a boy, he was crying over a boy. Harry didn’t seem to be paying any attention to him though, he was just staring straight ahead as Louis silently cried, wiping his eyes with the bottom of his tee,

“If I knew you would react like this, I would never have done it. I’m so sorry, I really wish I hadn’t” Harry ended, still not meeting Louis’ eye. The watery, blue eyed boy continued to watch Harry’s almost lifeless form slump over, his shoulders sagging, as if he was giving up when Louis did not give an immediate reply. Louis prolonged the silence, almost as a punishment, the only sound was Harry’s deep, shallow breathing.

“I really wish you hadn’t done it too” Louis whimpered quietly, breaking the silence. When Harry heard how weak and wavered Louis’ voice was, he looked at him for the first time, Harry realised how small Louis looked, balled up in the massive arm chair, his feet tucked under his thighs, crossing his legs. His eyes were red and tear tracks were staining his cheeks, the water still flowing freely down them. Harry stood up cautiously, still not knowing if it would be acceptable to touch Louis when he was still so upset, maybe he would lash out at Harry, kick him, punch him, inflict some of the pain he had done on Louis, but no, that would be too easy, if that happened, Harry wouldn’t still feel half as bad, plus he knew Louis would never do that, he would never hurt a fly, maybe because he was following God’s rules, or maybe because he was a genuinely nice person, probably both to be quite fair. The dark mark under Louis’ eyes from his eye liner was starting to expand, dark at the top and slowly getting lighter towards the dip on his cheek.

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