/12/ a song for sam

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"Hi we're 5 Seconds of Summer, I hope you guys are gonna have a sick time with us!" I heard Calum's voice before the boys started the first song 'Good Girls'. Grace and I decided to watch the show from backstage so we were standing on the side where we'd entered and left the stage earlier just like every other performer today. We could see all four guys perfectly and they were amazing and literally rocking out on stage. But that's what happens to you when you enter the stage and see this huge crowd and the adrenalin kicks in. I'd felt that way today already.

After 4 more songs their performance was almost over again. Only one song was left and Michael held his mic in his hand, about to introduce it but Luke started. "This is our last song! You guys have been absolutely amazing so far, thank you!" Luke said and the crowd cheered. Then Michael continued. "This song is called Voodoo Doll. We usually don't play this at festivals but Luke wanted to play it today so here it goes!" he shouted and then Ashton started hitting his drums and the song started.

"I don't even like you,
Why'd you want to go and make me feel this way?
And I don't understand what's happened,
I keep saying things I never say." Luke started and glimpsed at me for a second. Was this song for me?

"I can feel you watching even when you're nowhere to be seen,
I can feel you touching even when you're far away from me." Michael continued.

"Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll 'cause I can't control myself,
I don't wanna stay, I wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell.
And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest,
And I'm having trouble catching my breath." they all sang the chorus together and harmonized perfectly.

"Won't you please stop loving me to death?" Calum ended the chorus and then Luke continued again.

"I don't even see my friends no more,
'Cause I keep hanging out with you.
I don't know how you kept me up all night,
Or how I got this tattoo."

"Dude this song is definitely dedicated to you." Grace nudged my said. "I don't know." I said honestly. Why would Luke want to sing a song for me in front of so many people? This didn't make sense at all. "Shut up and listen to the lyrics." Grace said and now I started to listen to 5sos' performance again instead of thinking.

"Every time you're near me,
Suddenly my heart begins to race.
Every time I leave,
I don't know why my heart begins to break." Luke sang after the chorus had ended again. And he looked at me the whole time as he was singing this verse. Maybe Grace was right.

"Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll 'cause I can't control myself,
I don't wanna stay, I wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell.
And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest,
And I'm having trouble catching my breath."

"Won't you please stop loving me to death?" Calum sang one last time and then the song was over.

Ashton walked up to the others and then they all bowed down together. And I left. "Where are you going?" Grace shouted into my direction but I ignored her and kept walking. I couldn't face Luke after this song. My feelings were so messed up. I kept walking till I found some kind of an emergency exit so I took it and came out somewhere at the back of the whole festival. It was a huge parking lot and there were a lot of tour busses. I just needed some alone time so I sat down on the stairs that lead from the emergency exit to the road.



Voodoo Doll seriously described this whole Sam situation perfectly. And that's why I couldn't stop looking at her during the song. After the guys and I had finished our bow and walked backstage again, Grace was standing there alone and Sam was nowhere to be seen. I put my guitar away and walked over to her. "Where's Sam?" "Scared of you after you performed that song about her." she said and giggled. "Wait she knows that the song was about her?" I asked nervously. "Yeah, this was pretty obvious, man." she giggled and shook her head slightly.


"Earth on Luke?" Michael said and waved his hand in front of my face. "Hm?" I asked, getting out of my thoughts. "We should go home now. We have to leave early for the airport tomorrow and I bet you haven't packed all your things yet." he said and I nodded. I seriously didn't want to leave yet. Sam never showed up again after Voodoo Doll and I was kinda worried. Grace said she probably went home already and I believed her but I still felt bad. Maybe I shouldn't have sung the song. But at least now I knew that she didn't like me the way I liked her, which was more than just a friend.


Sam wtf are you doinggggg

poor Luke :(

hope you liked it <3

luv chu - tori x
ps: DanyshaBrokaar you better enjoy all these new chapters :-) x

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