/1/ festival vibes

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take off your tutu, sit down and enjoy this little Luke fanfic :-) xx



"I'm home!" I heard my mom scream from the house, which was directly connected to our garage. My friends and I were having band practice right now, in the garage, which my parents didn't use for a car anymore. Neither did I. Today was actually the last band practice before the big day tomorrow, the day of the huge festival here in Sydney, which a famous radio station organised. A lot of famous bands like Fall Out Boy and Sleeping With Sirens were gonna perform, including us.

Our band, hopefully soon also a famous one, 'Breakaway Girl' consisting of my friend & drummer Will, my bestie Grace on the bass and me as the guitarist and lead singer. We weren't actually invited to play at the festival, of course not. Barely anyone knew us. We'd only played a few gigs in small bars so there was no chance that a famous radio station would've invited us to play at their popular festival. You wonder how we got here then? Well, we won a competition. We sent in a video of us playing a song and somehow enough people voted for us and it actually worked out. When we got the email a few weeks ago, it took us about an hour to calm down again. It was really big for us so you couldn't blame us. We usually play in front of 30-100 people but tomorrow we'd play in front of thousands. I just hoped our "manager" wouldn't be there. Oliver was Grace's boyfriend and he hated me for no reason. When Grace was around, he was super nice but as soon as she wasn't with us, Oliver was hella rude to me. Especially after gigs. He would just wait till Grace was out of sight and then bring me down and make me feel bad about myself. But I couldn't tell Grace that, could I? I mean she loved him and I didn't want to make her unhappy.

"Guys I gotta go now, see ya tomorrow at the festival!" Grace said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "See ya!" Will said, standing up and walking over to us now from his drum kit. Grace gave both of us a hug and then walked through the door which led to my house. And with that she was gone.

"So what now?" I asked and Will just shrugged. "Do you want to eat dinner here?" I suggested. "Yeah sure." he smiled, which made us enter my actual house just as Grace did a minute ago. But other than Grace, we didn't leave the house. Instead we walked to the kitchen, where my mom was finishing up dinner.

"Hi sweetie." my dad said as he walked into the kitchen, still in his suit and tie from his work at a bank, and kissed my mom on the cheek. Then he walked over to me and kissed my head and waved at Will saying "Hi princess, hi Will." before walking away again to get changed into more comfortable clothes. As he came back we officially started dinner and it was pretty chill, as always. My parents' relationship was actual goals. They still loved each other as much as they did about 20 years ago. Will ate with us quite often so he was basically like the brother I never had. I only had an older sister but she had already moved out a while ago.


"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Jones." Will said, in a way of saying goodbye to my mom. "You're very welcome Will. You can eat with us anytime." mom smiled and hugged him. "Thank you. Goodbye Mr. Jones!" "Bye son, can't wait to see you tomorrow at the festival!" dad answered and smiled at him from the chair he was sitting on, reading the newspaper. Will smiled back at him and then we both walked to the front door. I gave him a quick hug, said goodbye and then he went home.

"Sam could you come here for a second?" mom shouted from the kitchen so I walked back there. "What's up?" I smiled at her and dad, who was standing next to her now. "We just wanted to tell you that we're extremely proud of you and we're really happy that it has all worked out for you like this." dad said and didn't stop smiling. "We know we didn't support you at the beginning, when you told us that you didn't want to go to college after high school and wanted to start a band instead, and we're sorry for that. We love you so much and as long as you are happy, we are too." mom continued and I could see that her eyes were starting to tear up. "I love you guys too." I said and hugged them both at the same time and I swear I was about to cry too. "You should go to bed now. You need to be wide awake tomorrow at the festival." my mom said and I nodded. "You're right, goodnight." I smiled and then walked to my room. I took a quick shower in my bathroom, put on my pyjama, brushed my teeth and hair and then layed down on my bed and grabbed my phone to go on twitter for a bit.

@SamanthaBG: "can't wait for tomorrow, who will I see at the festival in sydney? x", I tweeted and soon I got a few tweets of fans saying that they'd be there and I retweeted them.
I had about 30k followers on twitter. Most of them weren't from Australia though, they found out about me through the band's youtube channel. We had a few covers on there and a music video for one of our original songs but I wouldn't say we're famous. Will and Grace had twitter accounts too but they weren't really active on their personals. They mostly tweeted off the band's account, that's why only the band account and my account were verified, but that's not really important. I scrolled through my timeline and mentions for a bit longer and when I thought it was enough, I connected the charger to my phone and put it onto my bedside table. And then I went to sleep.


The next day I woke up by my phone playing "Uma Thurman" by Fall Out Boy aka my alarm tone. I pressed snooze because I wasn't ready to get out of bed yet. I turned around and cuddled into my pillow but then it hit me and I remembered which day it was. I jumped out of my bed immediately and I swear I had the biggest smile ever on my face. I walked to my closet and looked through my clothes to decide what I should wear for the performance today. But I couldn't, not without music. So I walked back to my bedside table, unlocked my phone, turned off my alarm and then put my spotify playlist on shuffle. "Never Been Better" by Olly Murs started playing and no other song could describe my mood better than that song. I danced around in my room for a bit and then went back to my closet. I decided to wear a black skater skirt with a claret colored crop top that fit perfectly, since today would be a really hot day. I put the clothes onto my bed and walked to my bathroom to take a shower. As soon as I was finished and dried up again, I put on my underwear, blow dried my hair which I'd just washed, put on the rest of my clothes and curled my light brown hair a bit so I'd have beach waves. I put on some eyeliner, mascara and filled in my eyebrows a bit, like I always did, and then I was ready. I quickly put on my converse, stopped spotify on my phone, put my phone into a small bag in which my festival pass, some money and my car keys already were and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning little rockstar." dad greeted me and I smiled at his nickname for me. "Morning." I said and grabbed a bowl and a spoon, poured some milk into the bowl, added some cheerios and then sat down on the chair next to my dad to eat my breakfast. "When do you have to be at the festival?" "In about an hour." I answered, still chewing on my breakfast. "Woah that's early. Your performance it at 2, right?" dad asked again. "Mhm." I nodded. "Okay good. Your mom and I are gonna arrive at the festival around 1." he stated, clearly trying to keep up the conversation. "That's great, Little Sea (A/N: r.i.p. lol) is on around 1.15!" I said excitedly. "Who's that?" dad asked confused and I just rolled my eyes, stood up and put my dirty dishes into the sink. "One of my favorite bands, dad. Well, whatever, I gotta go now, I promised Will and Grace to pick them up early so we could check out the festival area a bit before people would be let in. See you later." I said and kissed his cheek. "Okay, have fun!" he said. "I will." I answered and then grabbed my bag off the table and left the kitchen and then the house.


"Holy shit this place is huge." Grace said after we'd walked around the area for a bit. "Just like my balls." Will joked and we all chuckled. "Stop it Will, we're supposed to be a serious band now." I said and Grace agreed. "Excuse me? People will be let in in about 5 minutes so if you don't wanna get run over, you should probably go backstage now and come back later when most of the people are in already." a security guard told us. He didn't wear the same uniform as the other securities we'd seen so far so I guess he was a security guard of one of the bands that were here. "Thanks uhm.." Grace started and read his name tag "Dave." she smiled and the man smiled back. "No problem." he said and then walked away again. And we headed to the backstage area.


I know this chapter is hella boring but, as always, it's gonna get better, I promise :)

lots of love - tori aka me x

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