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"Your Room 93 EP is extremely detailed and personal. What has it been like to come home to the people who inspired your album and were in your life before?"

Halsey: "It's been a weird journey. Every song I write is autobiographical and is about people, and that's one of the things that gets complicated. You have to decide where's your place as a songwriter. I hate limiting myself, and I hate censoring myself, but every now and then, I'll write a line and be like, "Oh no, I can't do that." But, I pushed it a little far with that with Badlands. I really did. I really pushed it. Room 93 was a little more anonymous. I sent a song to someone last night and was like, "This song's about you." That's never something I would've have done with Room 93. "Hurricane" is about my friend Zach. He was an older guy I was seeing. He lived in Brooklyn on Halsey Street."

"Who tripped on LSD?"

Halsey: "A lot of it! Like so much of it. And so, he loves it. It's his ego trip. This idea of 16-year-old girls in their bedrooms dreaming about this cool, Brooklyn guy, like that's him. Girls spinning vinyls all over the country, laying on their beds with their feet in the air, writing in their journals thinking about a boy like him. And you can either see it as, "You put me out there like that. That's not fair," or how he sees it as like, "Thank you. You immortalized me." You know, that's the goal. I grew up with friends who did drugs, and I grew up with friends who died, and it's become my purpose I think to immortalize those people to the best of my ability."

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