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lastnameawkwardfirstnamesocially asked:

"People say it's hard to write without the letter 'e'; so that's my challenge to you. Write something without the letter e ever being used.(:"

se7enteenblack answered:

"His body is warm but, in my vision, cold as a monolith. I worship laying in his arms. It is a church. It is salvation. It is a rock hard pillar I bow to, in admiration. His skin is a Lord to which I ask no proof. His collar pools with oils I wish to wash and soak in. I drink from his mouth. His lips, a host, to which I draw from lavishly on a Sunday morning. I found God, not in a man, but in how his body will push forward within my lungs. I found God, not in a man, but within my own mind. I found God, down in a dark room on a Sunday morning.

that was hard. haha."


so. freaking. talented.

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