The Breaking Of Educational Decrees

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Sarah did not know what called her into the forest that night, but Sarah allowed herself to simply wander until she came upon a strange sight.

Umbridge was being carried away by centaurs as she screamed insults at the proud creatures.

Smart idea, let us just piss off the captors, Sarah thought as she took in the argument that had now formed.

Harry and Hermione were being held by two centaurs while the herd attempted to figure out what should be done with them.

Hermione had used a few key terms that should never be spoken of in front of centaurs which include "help" and "humans" within the same sentence.

"No! Please-I did not mean that! I just hoped you'd be able to-to help us-"

"We do not help humans! We are a race apart and proud to be so...We will not permit you to walk from here, boasting that we did your bidding!" One of the centaurs snarled.

"Would you do the bidding of a Fae?" Asked a calm voice and the centaurs turned to see where Sarah was perched in a tree, watching the exchange with an amused expression from her perch. It was not often she was able to pull the race card and she enjoyed doing so when she could. Especially if it meant putting a few of the centaurs in their place.

"My-my lady queen, these foals have entered our territory! To make such actions worse they expected us to aide them! The arrogance of humans is startling and must be punished!" Cried the centaur that held Harry.

"Release them, I have told the humans, those of whom I believed to be of importance, that, should they need it, the forest would protect them. Would you make a liar of one of the fair folk? Besides, these "human foals" have delivered to you the right hand of the Minister of Magic. The woman is part of the group that has been taking your lands. These children have done you a favor, yet you treat them poorly. For a proud herd you are greatly lacking in manners." Hermione and Harry stared at Sarah as if she had sprouted another head.

They stared at her even more when the centaurs released them and Sarah gently floated to the ground. Landing upon it without disrupting the earth around her and, when she was safely upon the earth, she looked over the herd with a cynical gaze. This was the group whom had banished the centaur when he took the job from Dumbledore, they were a proud but unkind race. Sarah would rather be kind than proud, unless Jareth was in the picture, then she would be proud until the make up sex.

"Forgive us, my queen, the Ministry has caused us to become suspicious of any and all humans."

"You are forgiven, Ronan, this once. If I hear of such a disgrace happening again in these forests my justice shall be swift." Sarah said to the centaur called Ronan.

"Of course, My lady queen."

"Come along children." Sarah called before turning upon her heel and leading the way out of the herd's territory.

"Do not speak just yet." Sarah whispered to them as she lead them to the edge of the forest.

"Alright it is safe."

"How did you do that?"

"I thought for sure they would retaliate to being spoken to as children. I read that centaurs do not listen to the words of women."

"They do not; I, however, am wife and beloved of a very powerful being. I have also spent years traveling among the different herds of centaurs and know their customs. Also, I myself am a powerful being and the centaurs all but worship the Fae, even the women Fae." Sarah explained with a look of disgust. She would never understand the races whom worshipped the Fae as if they were gods, the Fae were simply another magical race. They just so happened to be around for many more years than most other races.

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