Story Time

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A/N: This chapter was supposed to come right after prefects and Step it out Mary was supposed to be before Prefects but for some reason it up loaded strangely and for that I dearly apologize.

"My step mother was always jealous of me. Even though I was worked as a slave and did not have the gowns or jewels that she did; my people still found I far fairer than she. I am certain you have all heard the tale of Snow White? The tale is mine with things both added and forgotten.

"When I escaped into the Underground my stepmother knew I was not dead for what appeared to me to be months but were in truth a span of twelve years she hunted me. She had dabbled in the dark arts and had given herself an extra long lifespan. I latter learned that the Goblin King spoke with Toby on the matter. Toby knew that Irene was evil he had been raised by nurses and rarely saw his mother but he knew that she was not natural. With a little nudge from the Goblin King, Toby had his mother burned at the stake. However, unlike with my situation the flames gladly consumed her and the darkness that she wore like a cloak." Sarah finished the tale grimly as she remembered the days she had been treated like a slave.

"How could she be back?" Lupin, ever the professor, questioned the distraught immortal.

"I am...unsure." Sarah admitted as a thought began to form within her mind, but she would need to speak with the Headmaster...

"Can you two keep Sarah safe?" Bill asked the two goblins and, without hesitation, they nodded.

"Also, King is sending two more guards to watch over the Queen. With our combined power we should be able to keep her from physical and magical attacks." Almost as soon as the words left Grog's lips two beings appeared in the middle of the room.

"Evening gentlemen." Sarah said with a broad smile as she recognized the two guards. She should have known, now that Jareth was High King, who he would send. The guards had to be those loyal to the crown and yet able to protect her. As much as she longed to see her old friends, even the loyal fox would not be able to protect her from a Death Eater attack.

"Good evening, my Queen. We felt the attack upon your being and came as quickly as we could." Miles said as he bowed to her and his companion did the same. 

"Miles, Gale." Sarah called as she nodded to each of the guards in acknowledgment.

"We were watching the house when we felt a strange presence. It has already been reported to the High King." Gale explained as he leaned against the door frame.

"His majesty has enrolled us both into Hogwarts as 'students', supposedly we are his nephews. Our classes should have the same schedules and we will offer you no personal time. Just as I threatened last time out paths crosses when in O.R.G." Miles stated with a smug smirk. Sarah should have known he would eventually get his revenge, though it was some time in the making. 

The Underground still spoke of the time the mortal-turned-Fae upstaged the pure blooded boy by killing a revolution against the High King Oberan. Sarah was still smug about the fact that it had been her information, not his, that brought the revolutionist to their knees.

"Gale, please hit your brother for me." Gale simply grinned and took up his spot by the window.

"I did warn you, princess, that if you became Queen I would be like a tick to your side. You have the great fortune of having a wise King that knows a guard will protect his ward best if they had previously been friends." Miles said with a smirk. At the time he had made that promise he had been teasing her about her relationship with the Goblin King. He had also stated that he knew love when he saw it, to which Sarah threatened, if she ever became Queen, to blind him. He had simply said, in a singsong voice, that love was blind and he would still see it before her.

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