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Sarah became unbearably warm to the point of kicking off her blankets and attempting to rip off her nightgown. Only to remember she did not wear one.

"Love what is it?" Jareth questioned as her fussing awoke him. Feeling her forehead, he quickly summoned a servant.

"Fetch the healer!" Jareth stood and threw on a pair of trousers before he dressed Sarah in a night robe. Her face was flush and her throat dry.

"Your majesty, what has happened?" The healer questioned as he entered the chamber.

"If I knew I would tell you. That is why we have a healer to figure these things out!" Jareth yelled with an annoyed air about him. The healer felt her forehead and used his magic for a few more tests. Once he was done, he made her drink water, and then gave her a potion to help her sleep. She was sleeping peacefully by the time her head hit the pillow.

"What is it Tryvik? Did we miss something last night after the attack?" Jareth questioned the healer.

"I can assure you that it is nothing bad. It was simply the first sign of a pregnancy." His words did not appear to register.


"Yes, your majesty, that is the typical outcome of a pregnancy." Tryvik stated with a slight smile. Jareth sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Are you sure? How far along is she? When will she be due? What complications could this bring?" Jareth bombarded the doctor with questions.

"Yes, I am sure. When your mother was with you she could not leave the room for the entirety of her terms. She is not far along and we will keep a close watch on her. Also, Jareth, she may have...unusual craving not only for food but for other things. It would be best to comply." Jareth smirked.

"Whatever the doctor orders. And Tryvik? Do not speak of this to anyone as of yet." Fae tended to grow overly protective of their queens while the ladies were pregnant. Even if they did not support them, if the Fae believed someone was insulting or commenting unsavorily about her they were known to start wars. Jareth curled up with Sarah in his arms, glad to see that she had cooled down already.

"Hmm...Jareth what did Tryvik say?" She questioned as she came to. When he did not answer her, Sarah kissed the crook in his neck and straddled his lap.

"You do not need to interrogate me, love, but by all means continue. I was simply looking for the best way to say it. You are with child." Sarah pulled back and looked at him.

"We are...going to have a baby?" She questioned silently and he nodded. A large smile broke out across her face and she kissed Jareth in glee and unbridled joy.

"Is it certain?" She questioned and he nodded.

"It would also explain some of the reasoning behind the attack of last night."

"Of course...Clarissa would have seen that I did not bleed. I was not the one wanted dead; my attackers were after the baby." Sarah said as one hand settled over her stomach protectively. She would not allow any harm to come to her child.

"Which gives me all the more reason to hunt down the being behind the attack and-"

"Love, I truly do not need to know the details'," Sarah cut in "besides, once I am done with them, I doubt there will be anything left." Jareth could only smile at his wife.


"I am going back after break. If I do not it will just look suspicous." Sarah argued later that night when they were once more alone after a day of court duties.

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