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Sarah laid stretched out beside Jareth feeling overly content and very much happy. The horses grazed nearby, but other than them she and Jareth were the only beings nearby.

Maybe she should explain to him what she saw when they briefly conversed by the gates of the Labyrinth. But than again what good would it do? A part of her had always known that she would bare his children in her future. Even if, at times, he frightened her and she ran from him. In the end it was impossible to stay away from him and him from her. No matter what happened to them, they would always find a way back to one another.

Even if he did keep her from her family and then later from her friends. Perhaps it was time to forgive him? Even if she could never forget what happened, it may be possible to give up the grudge that she bore in her heart against both her king and herself.

Though, truth be told, she had already forgiven Jareth, Sarah just enjoyed watching him squirm. 

Jareth kissed the side of her head and brought her back from her thoughts.

"It's almost morning in the Above." He murmured into her hair but he did not release his grip on her. Because time worked so differently in the Underground than it did in the Above time was easily lost track of. When the Underground was reaching midday the Above was just beginning to awaken from its dark slumber.

"We should get back to the castle." Sarah said, but neither move to become untangled from the other. She was happy having him sprawled above her (with his normal elegance) with his legs entwined with hers.

Jareth was equally content with having her near him and being able to play with her hair while planting kisses along her forehead and cheeks.

"We could just stay out here for a little while longer." He proposed as his hands began to wander over her form. 

"Come, come now, Jareth, we really should get dressed and head back. What if someone happened upon us?"

"The Labyrinth would never allow anyone to disturb us. If someone happened to walk to close to us they would find themselves in an oubliette or in another part of the Labyrinth." Jareth said with confidence in the maze as he trailed kisses along her neck and collar bone slowly wearing away at her resolve.

"Mmh...don't you have court today?" Goblin court normally consisted of several drunken goblins and a ticked off King that attempted not to kick to many of them. Though he often failed in his resolve and sent them soaring away from him. 

"I would much rather stay here. After all the grass is soft, the sun is warm on our skin, and my Queen is contentedly naked in my arms. What more could I ask for?" He murmured as he kissed the sensitive skin beneath her ear.

"Maybe a few more minutes wouldn't hurt..." Sarah conceded and, before she could change her mind, Jareth once more claimed her lips.


"Where be kingy?" Questioned one of the goblins as he drank his fourth pint.

"Who knows? Probably smoochy smooch with queenie. More drink for us!" No one bothered to point out that the king did not normally drink any ways, but instead they were all content with laughing and raising their mugs cheerfully.

Goblins hung from the ceiling and covered every part of the throne room except for one spot. No goblin dared to sit upon the king's throne or the steps before the throne. Also the seat beside the throne that was kept for the queen was given a wide berth.

While the queen was much more kind, the goblins would not dare risk the kings wrath for having sat in her seat. Many of them remembered the time when the queen had gotten away. The king had been in a foul mood until she later returned and during that period in time no goblin escaped his anger.

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