Questioning by Dumbledore

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A/N: This is just to sum up Sarah's life with Jareth before she left his sorry ass and came to the Above.

As the girl turned Queen took the seat offered to her Dumbledore also offered a cup of tea which was, gratefully, accepted.

"I would wish to know more about your life before you left the Underground. After all it is not everyday you meet an immortal." Dumbledore said with a smile as Sarah settled into the uncomfortable chair.

"Have you ever been told to be careful what you wish for, Professor? If not, then know that my tale is mainly focused around that." Sarah said as she winced at his choice of words and tried to ignore the slight headache that overcame her every time one nearby wished. She rather wanted to use, just a little, of her Fae powers to bestow her uncomfortableness upon the mortals, maybe then they would not be so careless with their wishes. She especially hated exam time. It was not the act of taking exams, she actually loved tests, but the fact that every brat that had not studied suddenly became a believer of the supernatural, even the muggles, and a headache was always present.

"After leaving the Between the Goblin King took me in and made me his apprentice. After what seemed only a few years, he had taught me the basics in mastering my powers and defending myself. While I was grateful to him I often lost my temper and caused all sorts of mischief. Please understand that I take great pride in the fact that, while ruling a kingdom of troublesome goblins, he kept his sanity, however, living under the same roof as myself drove the immortal Fae king mad. While the goblins fear their king they are willing to pull any prank, if properly persuaded. When it became clear that the Underground was not big for the both of us I thought he was going to throw me out. Instead he decided a change of scenery was in due. The Goblin King is in possession of a ship that can travel through the sky, silly as it sounds, it is truly a beautiful way to travel. We spent many days simply floating above different worlds. Sometimes we would simply observe, other times we would partake in a little mischief. I was always a curious being- it is what got me into trouble in the first place-and I so wanted to experience everything these worlds had to offer. I saw a silver sun rise and entire kingdoms made of crystal. My temper may, or may not, have been the cause of a civilizations collapse and Jar-The Goblin King decided that a few kingdoms needed remodeling via an earth quake or two." Sarah explained as she lost herself in memories. Her eyes had closed and behind the dropped lids she saw the Kingdoms she had once explored.

They had spent many happy nights beneath the stars, testing her magical abilities. They had raced across deserts as little more than powerful gusts, they had chased each other through forests and under mountains, gotten lost in worlds more confusing than the Labyrinth could ever dare be, and had, somewhere along the way, fallen in love. Or, at least, Sarah had fallen in love with him since he, the Goblin King, had always been in love with her. Even when she was being a brat.

"What is the Goblin King like?" The question was asked with concern; for the old wizard was weary of what he did not know and very little was truly known about the mercurial King.

"Terrible beauty is the only way to describe him. For playing one trick to many on his fellow Fae, his father banished him from the court, and to the Goblin City. Yet, somehow, he returned into the High King's good graces and became the king of the Unseelie court. The Unseelie are tricksters that dislike mortals. The Seelie are ruled by his younger brother and are a little better; at least they try to help mortals. Where the Unseelie would mislead travelers to a watery, but entertaining, death, the Seelie would help travelers find their way. It is the Unseelie that oversee the Changelings, as is one of the duties of the Goblin king. I have long since suspected that the Goblin King gave some powerful family a child and the family spoke to his father on his behalf.

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