Final Exams

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"Oh, honestly you lot! Final exams really are not that bad, take it from someone who has taken them repeatedly." Sarah declared in a too chipper voice, she had not been too violently ill that morning and, in fact, was actually feeling better.

"Should we be questioning your sanity?" Ron inquired.

"Someone really ought to, but it won't be you." Came her response as she looked over her rune notes one last time, not that she needed to, but it was always best to be prepared for the worst.

"Honestly, this is not fair! You lived during the time some of these were used." Hermione declared

"And most of them are still used in places Underground. Don't worry, Hermione, you will do perfectly fine." Sarah offered with a calm smile. She had wanted to tell the girl that life wasn't fair, but decided that the phrase might not be much appreciated by the young witch.

Putting away her notes, she pulled out one of the books Jareth had sent her and began to skim through it. The book was a history of the bog and, honestly, she didn't care, but to keep it from bubbling up and over she needed to learn about it. And she did  care about that. The last thing the Labyrinth needed was to smell worse than it already did.

The next morning, at exams, she was the first finished with the charm paper, finding it as easy as she expected. For the practical the students were called in by last names, meaning that Sarah belong to one of the last groups. Though she was not as nervous as any of the other students that kept muttering spells under their breathes. During the practical examination she easily completed a levitation spell.

That night, everyone once again submerged their heads into studying for transfiguration. All except Sarah whom submerged her head in studying the different royal families and where they reigned.

It was well after midnight when she had her book completed but was to anxious to sleep.

With court rules and ettiquite running through her mind she slipped out of the common room to find an abandoned place. She slipped into the now silent dungeon and found an old room.

Once it was certain she was alone, Sarah began to practice the different styles of curtsey and greetings for different head of royal houses.

After about an hour she stopped and stretched. Imagining a beat she shifted her weight onto her right leg and began her dance.

However, about half way through, a cramp caused her to fall to her knees. Around her the walls turned green and a terrible stench wafted out of them.

"Alright little one, this is not the time or place to be acting up. Mommy is undercover and if you blow her cover daddy will brag. We don't like it when daddy brags because it makes mommy mad. Got it?" She whispered as her hand ran over her stomach to ease the pain.

Once the cramp, and stench, were gone Sarah returned to the dorms, but this time she traveled up the stairs to her wonderful bed.

She would need to inform Jareth that reading about the bog would only make the baby's magic more reflect the bog and she was sure he did not want a repeat of the earlier incident.

Her eyes had hardly shut before she felt herself being pulled into a dreamscape.

"Honestly Jar-" Sarah stopped as she realized it was not Jareth that stood before her but Tes.

"Tes, are you alright? Did Gale find you before Jareth?" Sarah questioned as she moved to embrace the girl.

"Yes, we are in hiding but my brother hunts us. Sarah, I fear how much longer we can travel at this pace." Tes sounded so frightened that, for a moment, Sarah was pissed at Jareth. Which was not unusual.

"Why did you recommend Clarissa?" Sarah questioned as she tried to figure out the motive that her sister in law could have, though Sarah doubted Tes meant her ill, she needed to get to the bottom of the mystery if she was going to be able to convince Jareth to leave Tes alone.

"Because she was a friend and I thought she could be trusted." Sarah nodded, but before anything else could be said, the connection was broken.

And a very irate goblin king stood before her.

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