The Bar Brawl

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Sarah skipped dinner, knowing that the great hall would be filled with the rumors of what happened in DADA'S class. Instead, she spent her evening, happily, in the library, where she always found she could find refuge. Well, when the times Peeves had not snuck in but now he was, thankfully, not in sight.

"Well, I must say that I am not overly surprised to find you here." Drawled a voice from across her and Sarah smirked. Her King knew her well and seemed to delight in popping up when he was not expected, but she already knew that. What Sarah did not know was why he was here and that, she was certain, would soon be discovered.

"And I must say that I am not overly surprised to find you messing with time once more. Besides, I started this library I should not be judged for being here." Sarah replied without looking up from her book. It was a truly interesting collection of mortal essays on the baby boomer generation.

"Come now, precious, are we really that surprised about me rearranging time? After all, I would move the stars for you." Jareth reminded her with one raised brow and his signature smirk.

"No, you would not be you without screwing with mortals and messing with father time. Really, Jareth, is this the example you want to give to little Rowan?"

Jareth's smirk grew into a grin at the prospect of beig an example to his young nephew.

"If Rowan is to be a goblin king, even for a short time, he must learn from the best." Jareth said with his usual swagger.

"Nice to see that your ego has not suffered my absence."

"Is someone missing my company?" Jareth questioned with a grin.

"Not likely. Did you seek me out to merely bother me or do you bring news?"

"If I simply had news I would have sent Duth."

"Which makes me contemplate why you are here." Sarah said as she stretched her legs out and rested them on his knees before returning to her book. If anything, he was a comfortable companion.

"You may not have missed me, my cold hearted queen, but believe it or not I have missed you. And I was informed by Duth that you wanted some Ale. In any case I realized I have not had a good drunken bar brawl in centuries." Jareth stated with a grin. Sarah groaned, he was an immortal, but at times her husband acted like an immature frat boy, though she would have him no other way.

"Is that code for your breaking me out of Hogwarts?" Sarah questioned as she sensed the tug in her stomach that always came before she was teleported.

"I would hardly call it 'breaking out' if I am king and you are queen. Considering the fact that we can level this entire realm with a flick of our entwined wrists." Jareth reminded with a grin as he claimed her hand and the magic flared around them.

Sarah was only mildly surprised to find that Jareth was dressed in more mortal clothing. She, however, was still clothed in her school uniform minus the robes.

"Would it be too much to ask for a change of clothes?" Sarah questioned as she scowled at her apparel. Jareth, however, ignored her and instead held his arm out for her. She took it and them tugged his now short hair.

"You are pouting precious." Jareth said in a scolding tone, he, however, could not help but grin down at her.

"I am not pouting you just look weird." Sarah replied in a pouting tone, she liked the long hair, even if it did make him look like an 80's run away/train wreck in the Above. She was used to it and the new look threw her off.

"You look charming as ever." Jareth stated as he looked upon the few miserable shops that he had transported them to.

"I look like a school girl." Sarah complained.

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