Chapter 11 prt2 Regret

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I decided i would text Jacob and let him know i wouldnt be ready until later tonight.

Text messages ~

Hey, I'm with jack right now and he needs me i wont be home until like maybe 8 I'm so sorry. He really needs me - me

"Its okay don't worry about. Cam told me what happened. He needs you so stay with him. If you end up staying the night witch I prefer you do so nothing happeneds to you . Just text me at it will be alright- Jacob

Okay thank you so much. - me

Your welcome- Jacob.

Text messages end ~

• Jacob's POV •

"Are you kidding me dude why the hell would you do that. Specially again "

"I know dude I screwed up"

"Well I'm not gonna yell at you because I'm sure you got yelled at enough from my girlfriend but you have to be kidding me why? Dude I don't know how you can ever recover from this because now its not the only one time. You always screw up. That's no excuse i know you well enough by now to know that you did this for a reason not just to screw shit up"

"Yeah she did I don't blame her so don't yell at me. But damn that girl slaps hard. Never lose that one Jacob she's a keeper. But I honestly don't know the complete reason why i did it.
I didn't mean to the first time. Layla made me. But then the second time i just thought it wouldn't hurt i mean i was already single. So whatever"

"Yeah i know she's a keeper. What you did was worse than what i did. And you did over. What is wrong with you. This is not the guy that I know. Diana was a keeper to. I'm done with this conversation there's nothing that i can do to get threw your head that this is wrong. But you don't care about her as much as everyone thought. Because if you did you woud have done something and not Layla. You would be fighting for it all right now"

After that i walked away and went up stairs.


I looked at my phone to see who texted.

: hey babe I'm so sorry i just don't feel right leaving him alone tonight. I'm going to stay but I promise you i will come him first thing tomorrow. I love you goodnight- Natalie

: it's okay. I will see you tomorrow beautiful.I had a long day so I actually going to sleep right now . I love you - me .

• Natalie's POV•

"Alright I texted him its all good now . Don't worry I'm not leaving you alone "

"Thank you"

*knock* *Knock* *knock*

" i will get it you stay"

So i got up and answered the door. I saw madison.
I took Jacobs car so she probably that it was him not me .
I stepped out side and closed the door behind me .
" look Layla you need to leave I'm not letting you in there. Don't worry I won't tell him that you did carter and justin too"

"How did you know?"

"I just guessed omg you have . Shit I didnt think you actually did. I didn't think that low of you until now"

Then i heard the door open. I turn around and look up to see Jack.

"Jack its okay go inside i got it" i said

"No its okay he said"


I put my hand in his chest and started lightly pushed him back inside and shut the door behind me.
"I'm sorry " i said with a sad look in my eyes i hate seeing him like this.

"Don't be "

I pulled him into a hug seeing that he was about to cry.

Last night jack and i just watched movies and played video games.
It seemed to help.
When i woke up he was still asleep so I decided it would be nice if i made some pancakes for him.

• Jack's POV•

I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 8:30. Then i looked to the left and i saw Natalie was gone. I walked down stairs and i smelled pancakes.
I walk into the kitch and see Natalie and johnson talking while Natalie was making pancakes.

"Hey" i said

"Oh hey your up" Natalie said

"Yeah and i see you got home late last night "
I said talking to johnson.

"Yeah." He responded.

• Natalie's POV •

After we ate breakfast i decided it would be better if i just went back to the apartment plus i miss Jacob.

"Hey you guys i think I'm going to go"

"Alright i will walk you out " gilinsky said.

First i hugged johnson and then gilinsky walked me out.

"Thank you for everything Natalie. I'm glad i have a friend like you "

" anytime. I'm always here for you. When ever you need me I'm just a phone call away "

He gave me a big smile and i hugged him. Then i got into the car and started heading back to the apartment.

~skip the drive~

I was actually so happy to be back. I'm still mad at Cameron but i just want to relax. I'm just going to ignore Cameron.

I walked threw door and no one was in the living room so I'm guessing they are still a sleeping witch I'm not suprised even though it is 10. They have never been up before 10 no matter what time they went to bed.

So i just go up stairs and set Jacob's keys down quitely on his dresser in the room. I took off my shoes then grabed some comfortable clothes and went to go take a shower and get all of my make up off from the day before.
After the shower i got changed into black spandex and one of Jacobs shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and still saw Jacob sleeping. I didn't want to wake him so i just quitely crawled in on the other side and fell alseep.

I was still pretty tired from the crazy day before.

•Jacobs POV•
I woke and i saw Natalie on the other side of the bed. That put a smile on my face. I wrapped my arms around her. I missed my beautiful girlfriend.

Luckily she didn't wake up because i wasn't done sleeping and she had to be pretty tired. The last couple of days has been so overwhelming for her.
I just wish i could help and make her feel better.
I'm glad i don't have any more meetings while she's here.  I want to make the rest of her time her the best , since the last few days she has been here haven't really been the best.

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