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"You may kiss the bride." The preist said enthusiastically. Mike stepped close to me placing his hands on the side of my face wiping away the tears that were streaming down my face with his thumbs.
"Finally..." Mike sighed before placing his lips on mine kissing me passionately as the crowd cheered. I couldn't help to smile as the two of us pulled away turning to the crowd holding hands. The preist was saying all these things as the two of us walked down the axial but the only thing I could focus on was Mike.
{ Reception }
"Y'all are leaving now?" My mom asked as I walked over to her. I nodded my head wrapping my arms around my mother. She'd been crying all day, tears of joy of course I don't think she could've been more happy for Mike and I.
"I love you moma." I sighed wiping the tears away that'd streamed down both of our faces.
"I love you too... Be careful." She replied hugging me tightly once again. "Hey Care..." My mom called as I began walking away. "You look absolutely beautiful." She smiled as I turned to look at her. I replied smiling back at my mother before I walked toward where Mike was standing beside my dad at the double doors.
"I love you dad..." I said as my father wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you too... Carebear." He replied gently kissing the top of my head. I looked up at Mike and he just smiled down at me taking my hand opening the door for me. "Remember what I said..." I herd my dad say to Mike before we walked outside towards the car that was waiting for us.
"Thank you..." I smiled up at my now husband as he opened the car door for me. Mike smiled leaning into the car gently kissing my lips before he shut the door walking around to his side. Mike moved beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder causing me to rest my head on his. I picked up his left hand looking at his wedding ring that was placed on his ring finger. I turned to look at Mike and he just smiled at me before kissing my cheek. This is now my life... My husband.

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