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Mike's POV

Carrie and I are on our way home now, definitely a long drive but I'm glad we decided to drive. We get to spend more time together...only Carrie won't talk to me.
"Hey babe." I said looking over at her. She sighed and slowly glanced over at me. "What did I do?" I asked.
"Mike you did nothing." Carrie replied coldly.
"Carrie if I did nothing why are you ignoring me? Why aren't you talking to me? And why do you insist on treating me as if I've done everything to you." I asked becoming angry.
"Mike I'm not!" Carrie yelled at me. I slowed down and pulled the truck over on the side of the road.
"Really Carrie?" I said beginning to yell also. "You haven't talked to me since we left the hotel!" I yelled at Carrie.
"Why do you even care Mike!" She replied tears falling from her eyes.
"Why do you always insist of me not caring for you!" I exclaimed. "Carrie I can't do this." I sighed looking away from her. "I am trying so hard to love you but it seems as if you don't want me to." I confessed. "Carrie everything changed after we had sex." I said causing her to sigh.
"Mike that is not true." Carrie replied lowering her head.
"Carrie that is completely true." I said confused on why she denied it.
" could you love me when I look like this." Carrie asked looking down at herself. That's why. That's why she'd been pushing me away.
"Carrie..." I sighed running her fingers through my hair. "You are absolutely beautiful, and plus baby I'm going to love you no matter what." I confessed looking at her seriously. "Believe me baby you are so beautiful..." I said holding her hand as she looked into my eyes. She didn't seem to care at all at what I just said, or maybe she just didn't believe me. I let go of her hand and got out of the truck walking over to her side.
When I opened the door Carrie just looked at me speachleass. "Carrie look at me..." I said gently wiping a tear from her eye. "Baby I love you so much..." I said before kissing her. "I don't care what you look like...I will always love you baby please know that." I added before kissing her once again but more passionate than the last. "Carrie you are so beautiful." I sighed placing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Carrie baby please say something to me." I begged as another tear fell from her eye.
"Mike I love you too." She replied causing a smile to come to my face. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly. When we pulled away I couldn't stop myself. I pulled Carrie closer to me bringing my lips to hers kissing her with as much passion as I possibly could.
When we both pulled away Carrie flashed me a smile. I shut the door and walked back over to my side of the truck. I was confused when I saw Carrie taking off her seat belt.
I got in my seat and Carrie moved beside me causing me to wrap my arm around her. Carrie rested her head on my shoulder as I pulled onto the road but soon laid on my lap me running my hand through her hair.
About an hour later I pulled into a rest stop glancing down at Carrie. Shes so beautiful when she sleeps. "Hey baby wake up..." I said kissing her cheek. "We're at the rest stop." I added. Carrie screamed jumping away from me breathing heavily. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
" was a dream." Carrie stuttered still breathing heavily.
"Baby what was it about?" I asked hugging her tightly.
"Nothing important...let's just go inside." Carrie replied opening her door.
"Care are you sure?" I asked looking at her seriously. She just nodded her head then got out of the truck.
"I am so tired." She sighed as we walked into the rest stop.
"You okay?" I asked feeling her forehead with the back of my hand. "Your a little warm are you feeling okay?" I said wrapping my arm around her.
"No bad, but I just feel weak like I've lost all my energy..." She sighed

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