A First Date?

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Mike's POV

"Oh my gosh this is so good." Carrie said with a smile, taking a bite of her chocolate piece of cake. "Try some." She added sliding her plate towards me. I reached to pick up my fort but before I could she stuck a piece of cake in my mouth causing both of us to laugh.
"Here try some of my pie." I said getting some wip cream on my finger and putting it on her nose.
"I think you missed my mouth." Carrie laughed taking the wipcream off her nose and licking it off her finger.
"So Mike...What do you do?" Carrie asked curiously.
"I am a professional hockey player for the Ottowa Senators." I replied with a small wink causing her to obviously blush.
"So you live in Canada?" She said confused.
"Yeah...I'm here for a game against the Preds I'll be leaving on Sunday." I replied taking a sip of my driink.
"Oh." She replied looking a little disappointed.
"We can still keep in touch if you want." I said causing a small smile to come to her face.
"I would like that...here put your number in my phone." Carrie said hanging me her phone. I began typing my number into Carrie's phone when a text message poped up. All I saw was the 'B-word' causing me to sigh. I handed the phone to Carrie and she stared down at it reading her text.
"Was that from him?" I asked as we both stood up. She just nodded her head silently causing me to sigh. She went on outside and I took care of the bill. It hurts my heart to see such an amazing women like Carrie being treated the way she is. "Carrie." I said looking at her seriously noticing she was crying.
She just handed me her phone open to the text message and I began to read. The text message talked about how bad of a person Carrie was. Only she wasn't. She is one of the most amazing women I have ever met.
I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. "Carrie...you don't deserve this...you don't need this." I said gently rubbing her back as the short blond cried into my chest.
"Mike...he's the only one who cares about me." Carrie replied causing my heart to break a little.
"I do." I said causing her to look up at me. "I've only known you for a few hours but I've noticed you are an amazing woman Carrie." I said taking ahold of her hand. "An amazing woman that doesn't deserve being the way that she's treated." I added another tear fall from her eye.
"Mike I don't deserve you." Carrie replied looking up at me seriously.
"Yes you do." I said hugging her again gently kissing the top of her forehead.
We drove to Carrie's house in silence. I could tell she was upset but I didn't know what to say. She is such a sweet and caring person but she's stuck with this man who treats her like crap.
"Carrie..." I said as I stopped in her driveway. She turned and looked at me and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled her into a kiss. Not anything over the top. Just a kiss. Her body tensed up against mine at first then she slowly fell into it, kissing me back.
"Please believe me Carrie you are cared for. I care about you...you are such an amazing woman. And you don't deserve to be treated the way that you have been." I said holding her hands. "Is he here?" I asked looking around her driveway before I spotted a red truck.
"Yes..." She replied a small tear falling from her eye causing her to instantly wipe it away.
"My number is in there please don't hesitate to call me." I said looking at her seriously, she nodded her head with a soft smile before getting out of the truck.
The drive to my hotel was rough. I couldn't stop thinking about Carrie. I don't really know much about her but I'm egar to find out. I'm extremely worried about her. About the danger that she could be in right now. Right as I pulled into the parking lot my phone started to ring. I didn't know who the number was but I quickly answered.
"Mike..." Carrie said breathing heavily.
"Yes? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
"Mike...he beat me." Carrie replied. I could tell she was crying. "Hes gone, he left. Took all of his stuff with him...will you please come over?" She asked as I started my truck.
"Course I'm on my way." I said before we both hung up. I was a little surprised that Carrie had asked me to come over. Mainly because we just met today but I don't blame her. She's not in a good position right now. I would've done the same thing.

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