Picture Perfect

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I turned over in my bed waking up a smile instantly forming on my face at the sight of Carrie peacefully sleeping. I slowly wrapped my arms around her tiny petite frame pulling her into my arms as she softly snored. He breathing quieted down a small bit and her beautiful hazel eyes slowly fluttered open connecting to mine.
"Good morning beautiful." I whispered a tiny smile spreading across his face.
"Morning." Carrie replied readjusting herself pulling her hair out from under her. I smiled inching my face closer to hers still staring directly into her eyes. I gently placed my hand on the side of my wife's face slowly pressing my lips against hers.
"I have a wonderful day planned for us... Your going to love it." I smiled as the two of us pulled away from the passionate kiss. "What would you like for breakfast?" I asked bringing my hand to meet hers, intertwining our fingers.
"Anything... Although I'd really just love some fruit. We could cut up some strawberries, grapes, blueberries..." Carrie suggested her eyes slowly closing.
"Are you want to sleep some more?" I asked with a small laugh.
"No... No." She replied in a quiet whisper due to her falling asleep. I pulled her closer to me resting my chin on the top of her head slowly rubbing her back. "I'm so exhausted." Carrie sighed as she clutched on to my chest.
"Wait... I have to tell you something." I said excitedly causing Carrie to look up at me. "July tenth." I smiled the smile on Carrie's face quickly fading. "Get excited." I grinned gently kissing her cheek.
"Wait... Is that the day?" She asked gently biting her lip holding back her smile. I just nodded my head in response smiles beaming across each of our faces. "I can't wait..." Carrie said before softly pressing her lips against mine.
"Come on babe... Let's go eat some breakfast." I smiled standing up from the bed reaching my hand out for my fiance to take and she did. "Carrie..." I said pulling her into my arms when she tried walking into the bathroom. I looked down deep into her eyes beginning to thing about the wonderful and beautiful person she was and how lucky I am to be able to call her mine. I couldn't get over how amazing our future is going to be. I couldn't be more excited to start my life with Carrie. "I love you." I struggled to get out in a slight whisper before I kissed her passionately instantly wrapping my arms around her waist. I wasn't trying to take things any further but I couldn't stop myself from moving my hands on to her butt.
"I love you too Mike." Carrie smiled as we both pulled away her blushing as usual. 'She's so damn perfect.' I thought to myself as she walked into her bathroom. I followed into her bathroom and stood behind her wrapping my arms around her waist as she brushed her teeth. She spit out her toothpaste and put her tooth brush back in its holder before looking in the mirror at the two of us. I took her hair into my hands softly pulling it to one side of her head gently kissing her neck returning one of my hands around her waist. Carrie smiled turning her head to look at me as I moved my kissed up to her mouth gently kissing her lips.
"I can't wait... To marry you." I confessed mumbling against her soft lips. "I can't wait..." I added a smile streaching across her lips. Carrie slowly turned to face me her hands slipping around my waist. I pulled her closer to me leaning down to kiss her once again. She stood on her toes as I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth deepening the kiss. This woman means the world to me and I absolutely cannot wait to be able to call her my wife.

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