Full Of Guilt

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Mike's POV

I awoke with a smile on my face looking down into the beautiful blond hair of my girlfriend as she cuddled up to my chest. Then the thought occurred to me. 'Girlfriend'. I thought about it for a second and it worried me. I know Carrie said she was ready but was she really? She is so completely strong in her faith. Her grandmother had just died. Maybe she wasn't truly ready.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Carrie asked me as her beautiful hazel eyes stared up into my blue ones.
"How beautiful you are." I lied with a fake smile. She returned a smile which was also fake. And it bothered me. "Baby...are you okay?" I asked her, gently kissing Carrie's forehead.
"Yeah..." She replied with a sigh. "I think I'm gonna go and take a shower." Carrie said as she pulled my T-shirt over m head. I couldn't help to watch her as she walked into the bathroom shutting a door behind her. Carrie is so beautiful. Inside and out.
I stood up and dressed myself glancing down at the sheets as I did. I noticed a few spots of blood prof that I'd taken her virginity. That's when it hit me. We are not married. I can't believe myself. How could I let this happen? I sighed as I removed the sheets throughing them in the trash. I've never been so disappointed in myself. I wonder what Carries thinking. If she's even thought about it yet. I'm almost positive she had. Knowing her she's going to take it very hard when she does think about it.
I herd the shower water stop in the bathroom and I sat on the bed. "Mike..." I herd Carrie say causing me to looking up at her noticing that she'd been crying. I sighed standing up and wrapping my arms around her. I didn't even have to ask. I knew why she was upset. And I felt horrile. "What did we do?" She asked crying into my chest.
"Shh, baby its okay..." I said gently rubbing her back. I felt horrible. Carrie continued crying as I pixked her up. I laid on the bed holding her in my arms trying to calm her as she cried. I hate it when Carrie cries. I cant stand it. Knowing that I had something to do with it makes me feel worse. "Baby everything is going to be okay..." I assured Carrie as I ran my fingers through her hair.
"Mike...I can't believe myself." Carrie said sitting up.
"I can't either." I confessed holding her hand. "Baby what were we thinking?" I asked wiping a tear from her eye.
"Its not okay...it wasn't okay. It won't be until we're married..." Carrie replied still crying. "Our first was suppose to be on our honeymoon, not now...it was suppose to special and lo-"
"You don't think it was?" I asked cutting her off.
"Well Mike..." She replied with a sigh.
"Carrie...I'm sorry. It was suppose to be special. Sorry I let you down." I said as the guilt overcame me.
"No its not that it wasn't special babe it was its just that now...being so upset with myself, its not special and I hate that." Carrie confessed looking worried. "But Mikey you did make it special." She added holding my hand.
"Did I?" I asked looking at her seriously. "I should've covered the room in rose pettals or lit candles something...baby I'm so sorry." I apologized causing Carrie's eyes to widen.
"Mike no...none of that matters." Carrie said looking into my eyes. Although she said it didn't matter. I feel as if it did. It mattered a great bit. I should've put in the effort and made it special for Carrie. She deserved it. "Mike the only thing that mattered was that it was you..." Carrie added causing me to hold her hand.
"Baby we shouldn't have." I said changing the subject.
"Do you regret it...because of me?" Carrie asked, lowering her head.
"Carrie..." I sighed trying to look into her eyes but she wouldn't allow me.
"Its just that I know I'm not the most beautiful person and that my body w-"
"Stop." I cut her off. "Stop discouraging your self." I said causing Carrie to glance up at me. "The only reason I regret it because of your body is because your so damn beautiful that's the only thing I can think about." I confessed causing her eyes to meet mine.
"Mike I k-"
"Please just listen for one second." I said pulling her into my lap. "Baby I love you so incredibly much...even if it wasn't meant for now I am so happy that it was with you. Because I can't imagine myself with anyone else." I said as a small tear fell from her eye. "I love you so much CareBear." I added before kissing her passionately.
"I love you too Mike." Carrie replied another tear falling from her eye as we pulled away.

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