Trouble(part 2)

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***Jason's POV***

If your OTP were alive and weren't together yet, would you try to get them together?


I thought so.

Anyway, I was meant to meet Piper since both of our bands are "missing" one of our crew members. But, I was too cought up on spying on Nico with ma bro, Percy for Will. Cute.

"Bro. Bro! BRO"says Perce.

"Bro whats wrong"I said putting down my binoculars.

"I can't see him, the world is tiny *giggle* your head is tiny"

"Turn your binoculars around"I sigh.

"... ... ... Oh, oops"we watched as Nico entered his Cabin and we snuck round to peek through his window. His Cabin looked as ordinary as any cabin representing Hades could get. He took the skull of his ring and-

"Jace he broke it!"

"Shh Percy! Jeez wait... What is he doing?" Nico inserted the skull into a hole in the wall and black waves erupted from the floor beneath it, opening a passage. Words glowed under the skull on the wall. The words read:


{***Will's POV***}

I'm currently dressed in my ninja costume (my last Halloween, don't judge)which was over my sunny clothes, of course, and I had a couple of gadgets Leo made specially for this mission: Operation GNH (get Nico happy).

~Enchanted stethoscope

~Fart gun (Leo created one right after he watched Despicable Me)

~Mirrored sunglasses (so I can look behind me)

~A door unlocking thingy that looks like a metal potato

~A baguette (my half sister, Rachel said it was good luck)

~And the invisibility nose clip which also stopped me from passing out when using the Fart gun, I have three spares of those

~And the Skittles gun with M&Ms mode, Skittles mode, breadstick darts mode and the deadliest of all, frozen Burrito mode

I was equipped and ready to jump into the Hades Cabin from the roof window but I was just waiting for Jason and Percy - Jercy the ultimate duo, they called it- to signal me from the walkie talkie.

"Will, Nico went in the passageway prepare your weapons and good luck. We'll be keeping watch here"Jason told me.

Here we go

O**Thalia's POV**O

Artemis said the Nico was a great guy and that he supported us in the Giant and Titan wars so... she approves. She didn't kick me out of the Hunters of Artemis but she also warned me that all men have a pig side (A/N: No offence to any Fanboys or any guys or men out there reading this! It's just for the story!)

Anyway, the only way to make me pay more attention to my duties is to get it over with and tell him. So here I am. Going through the cycle I've been going through the past 2 minutes.

Raise my hand to knock.


Glare at the door.

Drop my hand.

Take 3 deep breathes.


I was sure he wasn't in there so I just went in and stuffed the love letter under his pillow. My phone beeped.


I should be getting ready for the first round of the contest. I slammed the door shut heard a small clatter but brushed it away (not literally)and ran to the Aphrodite Cabin.

Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam. Dam.




The next Chapter is going to be fun to write. *Grins evilly* Sad for you Solangelo fans but Thalico fans... might feel a lot better.


But don't worry this is a Solangelo fanfic so stay tuned(get it tuned, Apollo?)


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