Chapter 29

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A grateful dedication to Newmoon2 for literally commenting on every chapter and being so enthusiastic about this story ^_^ Thank you!!

                MASON SAT ON the plush sofa in his living room, hunched over and in a foul mood as irritation gnawed at every one of his nerves. He knew that he was but a few seconds from blowing a gasket or better yet, shooting another hole into that screaming idiotic goon of his as the crew of Neanderthals were trying to pry the bullet out of him. The complicity of the situation with Jason grew tends fold tonight.  He didn’t feel not a bit of remorse as he watched that car skid around on the highway. Actually, he felt better when he saw the blood dripping onto the wet ground. It was a lesson taught and hopefully learned for all who dared to cross him.

He never left a job unfinished nor did he ever back down from a challenge. He, as well as everyone who knew anything about surviving the streets 101, knew that by pulling out a gun, a war was about to break out between him and Jason.

Good.’ He thought as he contemplated the idea of wiping out that son of a bitch, his arrogant brother, their new lap dog who quickly became a thorn in his side and that two-faced prick, Carter. Maybe he’d save himself the trouble and kill all of them with his own hands. A few more blood stains in his hands wouldn’t make a difference. A bullet to the head each just like he did that bumbling blond idiot from a couple nights ago, Pete.

His annoyance with them was enough reason to cause them a slow and painful death but so was trying to test him and his reputation. His only reason for needing Jason in his crew to begin with was gone now that he wanted to stick his nose where it didn’t belong and basically signed his own death warrant. All Mason had to do was say that he was placing a bounty on Jason’s head and every crew, gang and street rat in Miami would slither from the hole that they crawled out of, to go after him.

After all, there was very little that the scum of streets wouldn’t do to get their hands on about a grand. Hells, most would kill their own mother for half of it. Good thing he had plenty of it to offer.

“Mason.” He acknowledged –barely—the moron, Mitchell, who’d interrupted his thoughts with a dark scowl.

Mitchell visibly blanched in the florescent light coming from the high ceiling in Mason’s lair and scratched the back of his dark blond mane. “Um, I think we’re going to need Kayla. Ed’s bleeding all over the kitchen.”

“Get the fuck out of my sight before you find yourself bleeding all over the place!” Mason answered, his eyes never meeting Mitchell’s face. A silent threat lingered in his voice and Mitchell simply nodded and headed back into the kitchen where they were trying but miserably failing to eradicate the piece of metal out of their crewmate’s shoulder without causing him anymore pain.

With balled up fists at his side, Mason rose from where he sat and made his way towards the windows. All he saw were parked cars sitting in his large drive way and a quiet street. “Where the hell is she?!” He grumbled harshly under his breath.

Apart from his crew who always needed her to sew or patch them back up; he needed her. Honestly, it’d be easier to just get rid of Machayla and find another girl but he didn’t have the time nor did he have the patience to train another woman to his liking. He’d invested way too much time on her to just give her up and let her whore around with just anybody. If she’d just kept her ass where she belonged tonight, she would’ve been here helping that screaming pansy ass, Eddie with his bullet wound. Funny enough, he wasn’t worried about the fact that he left her, he was more concerned about who he left her with.

Jason was a threat that needed to be eliminated. Fast!

If by any chance, Machayla decided to flap her gums to Jason or anyone of his friends and tell them what she knew, Mason would have no choice but kill her too. He had too much at risk to let anybody who even guessed what he’d been up to, live. The only reason Machayla knew was because she walked into a meeting he was having with a certain… acquaintance.

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