Celebrity Interview: Chapter Fourteen: A Special Guest

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Celebrity Interview:  Chapter Fourteen: A Special Guest

Why did I agree to this again? Waking up at five-thirty in the morning, being told I’m on the interview as well, and then having half an hour to get ready with no coffee didn’t sit well with me. In fact, I think it sat in the corner in a room in China.

I groaned as I got into the car. The boys were in the process of getting in as well, but I was too tired and just kind of flopped down along the seats.
“So tired,” I groaned.
“Would Starbucks help your mood?” Louis asked, getting in and sitting on my legs. I shot him a sleepy glare as I moved my feet so they were on top of him and not under him.
“Yes, but you don’t have any.” I mumbled, trying to get into a comfortable position.

“Hey, Niall. You sit next to Ray-Ray.” Harry said as I saw him push Niall into the car from the corner of my eyes.
“Why me?” The resident Irishman sounded confused.
“Because I’m not dealing with her.”
“Thanks!” I said, my voice muffled by the cushions of the car.
“You’re welcome, love!” He replied cheerfully, ignoring my sarcasm completely.
I sighed in distain, but then let it go.

I felt the seat shifting as Niall climbed into the back. I sat up long enough for him to sit down and put his seat belt on before I let it drop again, this time my eyes facing the ceiling.
“Hello, there.” He said, laughing.
“Shh, sleeping.”
“So you don’t want Starbucks?”
I sighed. “I already told Lou this, you don’t have any. Belieb me, I checked.”
He paused. “Was that a joke?”
“What? The belieb thing? Yes, it was.”
“I thought you were too tired to crack jokes.”
I shrugged slightly. “I couldn’t miss the opportunity.”
“Ah, well to answer that, I belieb you. But, we’re going to Starbucks on the way, which is why we woke up so early.”
I cracked an eye open and looked at him. “Well, at least you have a good reason.”

It was silent for the next couple of minutes until Niall broke the silence. “I’ll make you a deal.”
I cracked an eye open again and raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s that?”
“Tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you.”
I opened my other eye and narrowed both of them in suspicion. “What’s in it for you?”
He smiled at me. “I get to see your beautiful face.”
I could feel my cheeks heat up as my eyes widened without my consent.
Keep calm, Ray-Ray, I told myself.
“Well, then I guess you get the better side of the deal, eh?” I grinned at him, proud of my comeback.
“Yes,” he said confidently. “I do.”
“I want a iced white mocha, please.”
He smiled at me again, and brushed some hair off of my forehead.
I gulped, trying not to show how much that little gesture affected me.
He nodded. “I’ll get it for you. Do you want anything else?”
I shook my head slightly. “Nah, just coffee.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
“It’s actually morning, but goodnight, Ni.”

I was only able to sleep for half an hour before the smell of coffee woke me up.
“Gimme, gimme.” I mumbled, reached for the cup of coffee that was sitting in the holder just beyond me reach.
Niall laughed, the sound waking me up more than I already was. He picked up the cup of deliciousness from the cup-holder and handed it down to me. Sadly, I had to sit up to drink it since, well, I didn’t really want a coffee stain on my shirt for the time being.
“What time is it?” I asked, taking the straw into my mouth.
“Almost seven, love.” Harry’s voice answered.
“Argh!” I groaned. “Now I’m tired again!”
Harry’s shoulder rose from over the seat. “You asked, love.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I said, dismissing him with a wave of my hand.
“You really aren’t a morning person.” Liam commented.
I shook my head. “I’m really not.”
“Then we’ll get along fine.” Zayn mumbled, his head lying against the window of the car.
“I belieb we shall.”
I looked over to Niall, who was smiling. “Yes, that joke again. It’s now reoccurring.”
He began to shrug, then thought better of it when he looked at my head, which was on his shoulder. That wouldn’t have ended well, especially when I was drinking my coffee.
He laughed. “Oops.”
I tried to hide the smile that was no doubt beginning to form. “Oops is right, mister.” I playfully scolded.
“We’re almost there!” Paul announced from the driver seat.
“Good!” Louis yelled back.
Zayn just groaned. “No loud noises, I beg you.”
Louis shrugged. “Sorry, mate.”
“What’s the show called again?” I asked.
“The Morning Show.”
I just about choked on my coffee. “What?” I sputtered out after swallowing. “That’s the most popular morning show in the UK!” That’s all I knew of the show, but it was enough to make me nervous.
Louis nodded. “Yup, it sure is.”
For the rest of the fifteen minute car ride, I was silent.

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