My Backstage Prince chapter 15

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The bonfire started and I started roasting marshmallows and eating them. Ariko sat beside me and I didn’t tell her a single word about Ichirou-kun. Mom and Dad handled the program. We ate, told stories and it was our childhood stories. They reminisced the years when they were still in college.

The adults started drinking wine so Shin, Kaito and Ichirou-kun had a bet on how long would they last.

While Ariko and I drank our mango juice, we listened to the adults talking. The five of us endured their pointless talking. They are started to become less sober.

“Remember when Shin used to give handpicked roses from our garden to Yumi when they were still in elementary?” Ojiro-san said as the other three laughed.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yumi used to bring lunch for Shin then. Ahh, A sweet tandem.” Dad said as they laughed again.

Ariko, Ichirou-kun and Kaito laughed too.

“We’re young back then, Almost like a decade ago.” I defended, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“That’s so cute!” Ariko cooed.

“You know, I think we better leave the adults there. Let’s get out of here.” Shin said as we all stood up and followed his lead. Ariko helped me walked though and I felt her body temperature. She was feeling nervous.

We sat on the damp ground in a circle, in front of the tents.

I glanced at Ariko who was looking at me meaningfully.

Oops. This is it. I need to act now and distract the two Karasumas from Kaito. She’s right. The three were like wads of gum sticking together.

“Um. Shin, Ichirou-kun, can you help me with something?” I asked innocently, trying to stand up but obviously can’t.

Ichirou-kun, ever the generous, helped me stand up.

“Shin, come with me please, I’ve got something to show you.” I lied.

“I know what you are trying to do, Yurimi.” He said, still sitting down.

“Come on, Shin. Your fiancee’s request.” Ichirou-kun joked.

Shin sighed and stood up.

“Where to, sister-in-law?”

“To the tent, please.”

They both helped me get inside the tent and in there, I locked them there and blocked the entrance.

“What’s going on? Are you trying to hold us captive?” Ichirou-kun joked as he laughed.


Then his phone beeped.

“Yumi, can you let me out for a bit. My friend’s trying to call me.” He said.

“Promise me one thing. Please…”

“I know, Yumi. Don’t disturb them, right?” He said as he smiled in a melancholic way.

“Right. I really am sorry.”

“Don’t be. You know what I’ll do if they doesn’t work out, right? It will be fair and square.” He said as he got out.

“Geez. You really like being a matchmaker?” Shin asked as he lie down and closed his eyes.

“I guess. My brother and my bestfriend, perfect pair isn’t it?” I muttered as I thought about what could be happening to the two outside.

He opened his eyes again and caught the attention of something on my wrist. When I looked at it, it was the charm bracelet Shin indirectly gave me.

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