Author Note

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New Zealand is weird.

It really is when it comes to TV.

Sometime last year my sister and I were casually watching 'The Graham Norton Show' when the ads came on. Bored, my sister flicked through the channels. Every channel had ads going on except for channel one. We began watching it even though the program was halfway through. At first I thought 'What is this? Its so.... weird? No, no, amazing? That guy looks like an otter.' But then after a few more minutes watching it I'm like, 'Hey, this is quite good.'

My sister and I watched it till the ads came on then flicked back onto 'The Graham Norton Show.' Then when that went onto ads we switched it back to this new program we had just discovered. It was called 'Sherlock.'

You might be wondering why I said at the beginning that 'New Zealand is weird.' Well, i'll tell you that reason. When my sister and I first discovered 'Sherlock' it was showing 'A Scandal In Belgravia.' It showed all of season two (I cried after watching The Fall even though I had only watched one full episode of 'Sherlock.' The show really grows on you quite quickly.)

Then the next week they showed another episode. My mind was like, 'Oh joy! Season three!!'

What a load of waffles. It was 'A Study In Pink.'

Turns out that New Zealand showed the second season of 'Sherlock' first, then showed the first. And whats even worse, they didn't even show 'The Great Game.' So of course I went looking and managed to find a website that allowed me to watch both 'The Great Game' and 'A Scandal In Belgravia' (Which has become my favorite episode in 'Sherlock')

So, that was how I came by 'Sherlock.' Might be a little pointless but I thought some of you might like to know how I discovered it.

This is how I created Teddy Holmes:

At first I started with a love interest for Sherlock. I gave up on that, figuring that a lot of people in the Sherlock fandom probably have already been there, done that (Although I have, in my mind, completed this OC but I don't plan on introducing her for a very long time now.)

So then I went onto creating someone else. I was having trouble though, the only thing I had come up with was that it was going to be a female character and that it was in no way a love interest for Sherlock. My little sister must've seen me puzzling over all of this because she suggested that I make a little sister for Sherlock.

My mind dinged and the light bulb appeared and suddenly ideas came and smacked me in the face. Heaps of them. Of course I'm not going to tell you all of them, it'll spoil the next three books I'm planning.

Anyway, every plot was made and I had the image of Teddy in my head (It would chop and change from Nina dobrev with curly hair and Kat Dennings. I think i've settled with Kat Dennings.) The only thing I hadn't come up with was a name.

I was reading 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' when I came across the name of Remus and Tonks' son. Teddy.

Yet again my mind dinged and the light bulb appeared.

But then I thought, 'Sherlock and Mycroft's parents wouldn't name their daughter Teddy. Teddy would have to be a nickname, but where would you get Teddy from? Did girls even have the name Teddy or is that a guy thing?'

I was puzzled for a bit until I watched 'Good Luck Charlie' and saw that the main character was a girl called Teddy. And that Teddy was the nickname for Theodore. And that Thea was a name for a girl. Yeah, I grew up under a rock when it comes to this stuff.

So I got my name. Done. Thea 'Teddy' Elizabeth Holmes was created!

Yet again, this might be a little pointless but I thought some of you would like to know these random 'behind the scenes' stuff. I think I'm done now though. Onto the thankies!

Thank you to Gatiss and Moffat for bringing 'Sherlock' onto our screens, and for introducing me to Mr Benedict Cumberbatch who has become the first person to ever ruin my life (And I haven't even met the guy)

Thank you to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for bringing Sherlock Holmes and John Watson to life. You might not love them as much as I thought you would but the rest of the world does.

Thank you to my parents who, even though they haven't read a word of this book, have supported me throughout these past months.

Thank you to my friends who have put up with my crazy fangirl-ness and though they don't know about this fan fiction i'm still glad I have them in my life.

Thank you to Ariane DeVere for her transcripts, they have helped so much!

Thank you to my mind for coming up with the plots.

Thank you to Greg Laswell for being an awesome singer and Teddy's fave. Also thanks to Seven Nation Army, Goo Goo Dolls, Ryan Star, Ed Sheeran, Meg and Dia, Coldplay, Muse, Ingrid Michaelson and Daughter for the select music you've made that I would listen to whenever I was writing. You're part of my writing playlist for Teddy :)

Thank you to my little sister :) You came up with the whole 'Sherlock and Mycroft have a little sister' thing which helped me out soooo much and you've listened to me go on and on about new ideas i've come up with, which must've been annoying from time to time, having a crazy sister rattling on about something you've heard about a million times now. And even though you might like Moriarty and I like Sherlock, and even though you sometimes torture me with your 'Sherlock's dead and John's depressed' lark, I'll still love you and your awesomeness.

And finally, thank you, the reader. Without your comments, or your faves, or just you checking this story out, I wouldn't have made it past the first three chapters. Thank you for supporting me in my first ever fan fiction.

The next book should be up in two or three weeks, sometime during the holidays. Or when i've thought up a good enough title. Until then, all of you continue to be awesome people and i'll see you guys soon.



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