Chapter 8~ The second test

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Teddy's P.O.V

I got back to Mycroft's house around two in the morning which wasn't bad. Mycroft seemed to have locked himself away in his study, probably trying to find out more about the Andrew West case. I didn't interrupt, going straight upstairs and having a quick shower before getting changed and hopping into bed. Before i closed my eyes my phone went off. Grabbing it from the bedside table i read the text message.

Good day then?


I smiled, replying instantly.



A few seconds later i got a reply.

Goodnight Teddy.


Goodnight Sherlock.



"Morning," I drawled, smoothing nutella over my toast. Mycroft nodded curtly, rubbing his jaw as he sat down at the table. I handed him some toast which he took.

"You should stay away from those sweet treats of yours brother," I said, pointing at his jaw.

"I have," he muttered, spreading butter on his toast before biting into it. He winced slightly.

"Your teeth are telling a different story," I replied with a sly smile.

He didn't reply, instead he pushed his toast aside, standing to go make himself some tea.

"I'll probably be out late," he said from the kitchen.

"Cool," I bit into my toast, savoring the taste of nutella. It really was my only weakness. If i wasn't careful, i might turn out to be like Mycroft. I made a face at the thought and inside my head i planned to go for a run tonight.

"Will you be going to Scotland Yard?" he asked, walking back into the room with his tea in a travel mug and umbrella hanging over his arm.

"Yep, though i'm not officially working there till Tuesday."

"Will you be seeing Sherlock?"

"He's coming in, yeah."

"Tell him to get on with the Andrew West case, won't you? You could always help too Thea."

I rolled my eyes, grumbled 'Teddy' under my breath and took another bite out of my toast.

"I'll see you later then," Mycroft said, standing by the door leading towards the hall.

For a moment we just stared at each other, Mycroft shifting slightly from one foot to the other, me holding toast halfway up to my mouth. I was, for a split second, reminded of the days where life seemed so much easier. The days before i ran away from home to America, the days when i got on quite well with Mycroft. I was reminded of the days when Mycroft would be leaving for high school and i would run up to him with my little toddler legs still wearing my pj's. I'd hug his leg and look up at him, telling him to get home early because i wanted him to read me a story about Peter Pan.

Those days were over now though.

"Um, yeah, OK," I nodded, breaking both the silence and eye contact when i turned my head away to look instead at a vase. Mycroft left without another word and i hear the front door close. I wasn't hungry anymore. I chucked the rest of my toast in the bin. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "She lives in Cornwall. Two men broke in wearing masks, forced her to drive to the car park and decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house."

I was sitting beside John, leaning back in my chair so that the two front legs came off the ground. Myself, Sherlock and John were in Lestrade's office, Lestrade filling Sherlock and John in on what we found out last night.

"Told her to phone you," Lestrade continued, "She had to read out of this pager."

He put it on his desk in front of John who picked it up and began to examine it.

"And if she deviated by one word the sniper would set her off," Sherlock murmured, walking towards the desk.

"Or if you hadn't't solved the case," John added. With a small sigh Sherlock walked back towards the window.

"Oh. Elegant," he said in a voice barely audible. I shook my head as John sighed.

"'Elegant'?" he said with a frown.

"But what was the point? Why would anyone do this?" Lestrade said with a desperate tone in his voice. I caught his eyes glance towards my wrist and i covered the bracelet quickly. He looked up at me, lips tight. I looked at Sherlock when he spoke.

"Oh, I cant be the only person in the world that gets bored."

Sherlock's phone beeped and as one we all turned, watching Sherlock answer.

'You have one new message.'

The Greenwich pips sounded as Sherlock made his way back to Lestrade's desk. Three short pips and one long one.

"Four pips," John said.

"First test passed it would seem. Here's the second," Sherlock said, holding the phone up to us.

"A car?" I said, looking at Sherlock.

"It's abandoned, wouldn't you say?" he said. I nodded.

"I'll see if it's been reported," Lestrade said, picking up his phone and dialing a number. Just then Sally Donovan walked in holding another phone.

"Freak, its for you," she said. I let the two front legs of my chair hit the ground with a thud, making to rise from my chair to snap at Donovan for calling my brother a freak. Couldn't't she see that he wasn't a freak, he was just smarter then her, then anyone for that matter! John though put his hand on my arm, pulling me back into my seat and he leaned in close.

"It's fine Teddy, honestly. He never cares anyway. He's Sherlock, he'll be fine," he whispered in my ear. My eyes followed Sherlock and Donovan as both left Lestrade's office.

"How'd a stupid woman like her get a job here?" I muttered, muscles relaxing under John's hand. He chuckled under his breath and turned away, watching Sherlock through the glass. While Lestrade continued to talk to whoever was on the other line John and I watched Sherlock answer the caller. John and I stood up, John's face worried, mine curious as we left Lestrade's office to stand behind Sherlock.

"Who are you?" Sherlock replied to the caller. "Whats that noise?"

The phone buzzed slightly as the caller responded then it stopped. Lestrade walked out of his office, ready to go.

"We've found it," he said. Sherlock pocketed the phone and followed Lestrade. John and I walked behind them both, John's eyes worried. My arm brushed against his as i spoke to him in a low whisper.

"He's Sherlock, he'll be fine."

But part of me was beginning to worry too. Comment and fave! Thanks!


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