Chapter 11~ A Little Push In The Right Direction

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Teddy's P.O.V

I ended up leaving with Sherlock as we headed to the police car pound, John meeting us there seeing as he had spent the last thirty or so minutes with Sarah for a quick meal together. As we drove to the car pound Sherlock told me about what had happened at Janus Cars and the phone call he had received from the hostage. With that information and the info I already had about Ian Monkford's blood it was clear what had happened to the man.


"Three hours to go," I told Sherlock as we walked towards Ian Monkford's car where John and Lestrade were currently waiting.

"No need to worry sister, we've already figured it out," Sherlock answered.

"I like how you said 'we' instead of 'I'. It makes me feel like i've actually done something," I mumbled. Sherlock smiled, his eyes crinkling in the way it always has when he smiles.

"Of course you helped. You told me that Monkford wasn't attacked or dead because of the blood pattern, that knocked a couple ideas i had off the list," he said.

"You would've figured it out in the end," I replied.

"Might've taken me longer though, which would've been bad for the hostage," he said, looking at me. I smiled softly, glad that i was getting praise from my older brother.

We stopped by the car. I clapped my hands together and smiled at Lestrade and John.

"Right, lets get started. Sherlock," I said, nodding in his direction.

"How much blood was on that seat, would you say?" Sherlock asked.

"How much? About a pint, isn't that what Teddy said in the car?" Lestrade asked. I nodded, going to stand beside John.

"Not 'about'. Exactly a pint, thank you Teddy for that helpful information by the way," Sherlock added.

"Easy deduction," I said, looking up at the ceiling dramatically. John chuckled.

"That was there first mistake," Sherlock continued, looking at Lestrade. "The blood's definitely Ian Monkford's but it's been frozen."

"Frozen?" Lestrade repeated.

"Yes, Teddy once again you were right," Sherlock said.

"And yet you still checked yourself even after i had told you it was frozen." I asked. Sherlock looked at me and shrugged.

"Double checking is always good," he said.


"There are clear signs. I think Ian Monkford gave a pint of his blood some time ago and that's what they spread on the seats," Sherlock said.

"Who did?" John asked, eyebrows raised.

"Janus Cars. The clue's in the name."

"The God with two faces?"



Turning Sherlock faced Lestrade and continued with what he knew.

"They provide a very special service. If you've got any kind of a problem- money troubles, bad marriage, whatever- Janus Cars will help you disappear. Ian Monkford was up to his eyes in some kind of trouble- financial, at a guess; he's a banker. Couldn't't see a way out. But if he were to vanish, if the car he hired was found abandoned with his blood all over the driver's seat..."

He opened the car door and peered inside.

"So where is he?" John asked. Sherlock straightened and closed the door with a smile.


"Columbia?!" Lestrade said, clearly surprised.

"Mr. Ewert of Janus Cars had a twenty thousand Colombian peso note in his wallet... quite a bit of change too. He told us he hadn't been abroad recently but when i asked him about the cars, I could see his tan line clearly. No one wears a shirt on a sunbed. That plus his arm."

"His arm?" John repeated.

"Kept scratching it. Obviously irritating him, and bleeding. Why? Because he'd recently had a booster jab. Hep-B, probably. Difficult to tell at that distance. Conclusion: he'd just come back from settling Ian Monkford into his new life in Columbia. Mrs Monkford cashes in the life insurance and she splits it with Janus Cars."

"M-Mrs Monkford?" John stammered.

"Oh yes, she's in on it too."

Lestrade lowered his head with a little shake, amazement written crystal clear on his face.

"Now go and arrest them, Inspector. That's what you do best."

Turning to John and I he spoke.

"We need to let our friendly bomber know that the case is solved."

Sherlock then walked off, followed by John. Still in the same spot where John had left me, I looked over at Lestrade.

"Lestrade-" I began but he waved his hand.

"Oh go on Teddy, might as well," he said. I grinned and hurried after Sherlock and John, boots echoing as they hit the ground. I fell into step beside John. With a great smile Sherlock cried;

"I am on fire!"


"He says... you can come and fetch me. Help. Help me, please."

With a sigh he Leaned back in his chair. Another mouse escapes death thanks to the great Sherlock Holmes. Though he did have some help this time, didn't he?
He grabbed a file out of the draw nearest him and flicked through it, feet up on the desk in front of him. Every now and then in between breaks in the text there would be a picture of her that would capture his eyes automatically. She'd be looking away, attention drawn somewhere else. Or it would be the back of her head as she walked, thick curls flowing behind her like a waterfall. Most pictures were like those two, except for one. This one was the latest.
She was looking over her friend's shoulder, not realizing that a camera was there and it had captured a perfect photo of her. Her friend had her back to the camera but she didn't matter. Perhaps she did a day ago but now? She was nothing. Now, his attention was brought to the Grey-blue eyes that stared at him, a stray piece of hair that had escaped the loose bun drifting across her left cheekbone, frozen in this picture. On her wrist he noticed a glimmer of Lapiz Lazuli and smirked. Pulling a phone out of his jacket he dialed a number and waited.

"Boss?" the gravelly voice answered.

"I think she needs a little more of a push Seb, she still doesn't seem to get it," he purred, smoothing back his black hair.

"You said she's smart like her brother," Seb replied.

"Oh, she is, and quite a fighter as well, but I still think she could do with a little push in the right direction. She seems confused."

"You sure boss?"

"Of course i am. Look, i'm playing two games at once Sebby dear and one of the player's is not replying. She's too busy helping brother dearest."

"OK, i'll handle it boss."


With a Cheshire cat-like grin Jim Moriarty ended the call and looked down at the picture of one Miss Teddy Holmes. Now it was only a matter of time...

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