The King or The Prince?

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"Wait a minute who is it? Un" said Deidara chasing after Itachi and Obito who were running. “The only person who hated Jamie from the beginning" said Itachi "The only person who thought Itachi was wasting his time" said Obito, as Deidara stopped and looked to see where they were running towards. "Konoha... high school?" questioned Deidara, as the bell rang and tons of students were walking out. Itachi then growled. "SASUKE" he shouted, as everyone stopped and looked at him. Sasuke paused and looked at Itachi who was growling and breathing heavily. "Itachi" said Sasuke, as Itachi took one step at a time walking towards his younger brother. "What are you doing here? Don't you have meetings?" asked Sasuke, as Itachi glared at Sasuke. "Deidara told me something much more important that came to my attention" said Itachi, as Sasuke paused. "Oh what's that?" asked Sasuke, as Deidara took out his phone and dialed a number. Suddenly Sasuke's eyes widened when Itachi's cell phone started ringing. "You texted my girl and forced her to break up with me" said Itachi, as Sasuke growled. "First of all she isn't your girl and second she was draining her life away" said Sasuke, as Itachi grabbed him by the collar. "You idiot... because of you I will never have anyone close to her again... she was the only one that actually cared about me... she even had her own job" said Itachi "And because of you she stopped her job and had lied saying she has an illness" said Obito, as everyone gasped. "Oh my gosh, you don't mean Sango do you?" asked a girl "Are you kidding me? Her manga had everything" said a boy "Sasuke that's too cruel" said Naruto, as Sasuke growled. "Then why are you here? And not comforting her?" asked Sasuke, as Itachi glared at him. "Because I couldn't believe my own little brother would betray me" said Itachi, as Sasuke glared at him. "Itachi deal with Sasuke later go to her" said Obito, as Itachi growled pushing Sasuke away and he ran towards my house. I sighed sitting on my couch and Kent looked at me. "Come on sis you haven't drawn in months, everyone is worried about you, what about your fans?" asked Kent, as I closed my eyes and sniffed. "Leave me alone" I said, as Kent closed his eyes. He then stopped when the doorbell rang.

Kent walked over to the door and his eyes widened seeing Itachi breathing heavily. "Kent I" he was about to say, but his eyes widened when Kent punched him across the face sending him flying back. "Ouch" said Itachi, as Kent glared at him. "Come any closer and I will kill you" said Kent slamming the door closed. I closed my eyes and had tears streaming down my face. "Sis, come on" said Kyle, as I stood up and Kent smiled, but then he frowned as I walked passed him crying. "I'm going to my room" I said walking upstairs. I closed and locked the door behind me and laid in bed. I then paused hearing a knocking. "Go away Kent" I said "Jamie" said a voice, as I shot up with my eyes widened looking at my door. "Itachi?" I questioned. "Over here" he said, as I turned my head and they widened more seeing his shadow figure on my balcony. I slowly walked to the door and opened the curtains. My eyes wavered couldn't believe my eyes seeing Itachi on my balcony. "Jamie... please open up" he begged as my hand was shaking towards the door handle. I then stopped remembering the message. Tears crawled down my face. "But you" I was about to say, as he shook his head. "That wasn't me... I've been in New York for three months and left my cell phone at home... Sasuke took it and sent that message" he said, as my eyes widened. "You mean you" I was about to say, as he smiled. "Are you kidding... your the only girl I even thought about" he said, as I smiled biting my bottom lip and opened the door. Itachi embraced me and I smiled accepting his kiss. Tears of joy streamed down my face and I hugged him. "Jamie... you will be my girlfriend right?" he asked, as I nodded burying my face in his chest.

Few years later....

"UCHIHA" shouted a voice, as Itachi sighed and closed his eyes. "What now?" asked Itachi getting up and opening his door seeing Deidara running towards him. "It's happened" he said, as Itachi looked at him. "You donated your body to science" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "No, my father finally gave me back money and..." he said smirking, as Itachi raised an eyebrow. "I'm getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world" he said, as Itachi crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "That's highly impossible" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "What was that?" he asked, as Itachi smirked. "True the most beautiful woman in the world is at home drawing her heart out... right Itachi?" asked Obito, as Itachi rolled his eyes. "You all are so gross" said a voice, as they saw Sasuke wearing an apron and rubber gloves. "How's the cleaning going Sasuke?" asked Itachi, as Sasuke growled walking away. "So when’s the wedding?" asked Obito, as Deidara smirked. "Next week, everything is all planned" said Deidara, as they sighed. "OI" said a voice, as they turned their heads seeing Shisui. "What is it Shisui?" asked Itachi "There's this big famous king at the downtown building and he's demanding Jamie's hand in marriage" he said, as everyone's eyes widened. "WHAT" they shouted, as they all ran to the downtown building. A huge crowd was gathered around a building and Itachi paused seeing Jasper walking towards him. "Itachi thank goodness, please stop him that man is going to take Jamie away no matter what anyone says to him" said Jasper, as Itachi nodded. The three of them ran in the building and went to the second last floor the doors opened and Itachi growled seeing me and... Madara? "Get lost already" said Alexis, as he chuckled. "Please... I know this woman is longing for warmth and compassion" he said, as I backed up a bit. I turned my head and I smiled. "Itachi" I said running over to him and hugging him. He smiled down at me and embraced me. Alexis smiled and ran over to Deidara and he grabbed her close. "Well, well Prince Itachi" said Madara, as Itachi glared at him. "King? Really Madara that's so lie" he said, as I looked up at him. "You know him?" I asked "Madara is my distant relative who wants power" said Itachi, as I hugged Itachi tightly and looked at Madara who hpmhed but was smirking. "It seems you attract Any Uchiha where ever you go” he said, as I held Itachi tighter. "Jamie is mine Madara" said Itachi, as I blushed looking at him. "Really? I don't see a ring on her finger" said Madara, as Itachi growled taking my left hand and my eyes widened as he placed a diamond ring on my marriage finger. "You do now" he said, as everyone looked at him shocked. "Uchiha" said Deidara, as Itachi ignored him and took a few steps in front and faced Madara. "Now leave" he said, as Madara chuckled. "I didn't ever hear the woman reply and your forcefulness" said Madara, as everyone turned to me. I blushed and smiled. "I'm sorry... but Itachi has my heart... he has always had it" I said, as Itachi smirked and then glared at Madara who growled. "Very well... but this is not over" said Madara walking away. Once Madara left Itachi ran to me and lifted me in his arms and then kissed my lips. I smiled kissing him back. "Ah-hem" said a voice, as we stopped and looked seeing Deidara and Obito smirking while Alexis was smiling happily. "This calls for a celebration" said Obito, as I narrowed my eyes. "Obito" I said, as he looked at me, as I held out my hand. "My drafts" I said, as he smiled nervously handing it back. "Obito" said Itachi, as he looked at him. "The ring" said Itachi, as I stopped seeing his took my ring. He took the ring and I blushed when Itachi knelt down in front of me. "Let me do this properly" he said, as I smiled as he placed my ring on my finger. I knew even though he is a prince... we were still going to be happy for the rest of our lives.

The End

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