A Devilish Trick

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Then Itachi stopped as there was a ringing coming from the bathroom. "Your cell?" I asked, as he sighed. "Yeah" he said letting me go. "You probably have to go now right?" I asked, as Itachi paused. He cupped my face and I smiled sadly. "No... It’s fine" he said, as I paused. "I don't want to get you in trouble" I said, as he smirked and held my hands. "You won't don't worry" he said, as I smiled. "Want to watch a movie?" I asked, as he smirked. "Yeah... sure" he said, as I took his hand and led him to my room. He paused seeing how small it was. "Wow" he said, as I smiled. "I know not as big as your fancy mansion... but it does me just fine" I said, as he smiled and I sat him on my bed. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked, as he shrugged. "Scary movie it is" I said, as Itachi chuckled and closed his eyes. "You sure aren't like any other girl I've met" he said, as I paused when I had the movie in my hands. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked, as Itachi paused. He got up and cupped my face. "Not at all" he whispered, as I smiled looking at him. I then walked passed him and put the movie in. I sat on the bed smiling towards Itachi. He smiled and sat next to me. We watched for a bit and pretty soon I fell asleep. Itachi paused looking down at me. "Jamie" he whispered, as I opened an eye. "I should... get going" he said, as I shot up and held his hands. "You don't have to" I said, as |Itachi smiled at me. I grabbed his hands and he paused looking at me. I laid back with his arms around my waist. Itachi just looked at me and I smiled. "Sleep next to me" I said, as Itachi paused and just sat there. I paused and bit my bottom lip lightly. I sat up and lowered my head. "I'm sorry... that was rude" I said, as Itachi smiled and nuzzled his face into my neck. "No it was sweet" he whispered, as I smiled sadly. "I... should go though" he said, as I nodded. When he got up, I followed him. He walked downstairs and put his shoes on. "I... uh" I said, as he looked at me. "I'll have your tuxedo clean" I said, as he smiled and cupped my face. "Keep it, I have tons" he said, as I smiled and nodded. "Night" said Itachi, as I bit my bottom lip and wrapped my arms around Itachi's neck and kissed his lips. Itachi's eyes widened and he soon closed his eyes kissing me back. I had a feeling after this kiss... I wasn't going to see him again. Itachi broke the kiss and I smiled nervously. "Sorry" I said, as he smiled. "Don't worry about it" he said, as I watched him walk out the door. I sighed and held my head. I walked upstairs to my room and fell asleep.

Itachi sighed walking home and then walked inside. "ITACHI" shouted a voice, a she sighed closing his eyes. "Where have you-Itachi" said Fugaku, as Itachi crossed his arms. "I'm not in the mood" said Itachi walking to his room. Once in his room he changed into boxers and a silk shirt. "You went over to her house?" asked Sasuke, as Itachi sighed. "I asked her out it was the least I could do after no showing up" said Itachi, as Sasuke growled. "The least you could do was not show up" said Sasuke crossing his arms. "Don't worry... I don't plan on seeing her again" said Itachi, as Sasuke hpmhed. "Whatever" said Sasuke walking away. Itachi sighed and then he paused. "Crap my cell" he said slapping his forehead.

The next day I woke up and my heart felt heavy. I sighed walking to my brother's bathroom and paused seeing the tuxedo neatly folded and his cell phone on top. I grabbed his things and walked downstairs. "Hey sis" said Kent, as I smiled. "Morning" I said, as Kent paused seeing the tuxedo in my hands. "Is that?" he asked, as I nodded. "Yeah, they were wet so I let him have some of your old clothes" I said, as Kent smirked and nodded closing his eyes. "So going out again?" he asked, as I sighed. "I have work to do" I said, as Kent paused. "But sis" said Kent, as I looked at him. "If he comes back for his stuff give it to him okay" I said, as Kent nodded. I walked to my study and sat down in my chair. I took out a sheet of paper and started getting to work.

Itachi sighed looking at the door. He gulped and knocked on it. He then paused seeing Kent. "Hey" said Itachi, as Kent smirked and handed him his stuff. Itachi paused and looked at the tuxedo. "I said she could keep the tux, I just want my cell" said Itachi, as Kent sighed and closed his eyes. "Might as well just take everything" said Kent, as Itachi paused. "Is... she here?" asked Itachi, as Kent sighed looking behind him. "At the moment only to her publisher" said Kent, as Itachi paused. "Publisher?" he questioned, as Kent smirked. "You didn't ask her what she did for a living did you?" asked Kent, as Itachi paused. "Uh... no" he said, as Kent sighed. "Come in, I'll make you breakfast" he said, as Itachi nodded. He sat down and Kent put coffee in front of Itachi. "In short terms... Jamie is a Manga artist" said Kent sipping coffee. Itachi stopped and looked at him. "Seriously?" asked Itachi "Yeah, she tries out new emotions every time on a break for her stories" said Kent, as Itachi stopped. "So wait... did she even?" asked Itachi, as Kent smirked. "The true Jamie was when you found her passed out at the park protecting her friends" said Kent, as Itachi sighed holding his head. "Then yesterday" said Itachi, as Kent smirked. "Who knows" said Kent, as Itachi growled. "Where is she?" asked Itachi, as Kent pointed. "In her study" said Kent, as Itachi got up and walked down the hall and Kent smirked devilishly while glancing back at Itachi. Itachi growled and slammed opened the door. I jumped and looked at Itachi shocked. "Itachi" I said, as he walked towards me and grabbed my wrists. "Who do you think you are?" he asked, as my eyes widened. "HUH?" I said, as I winced as his grip went tighter. "I actually was starting to have feelings for you and you play me like a fiddle" he said, as I stopped. "You... have feelings for me?" I asked, as he growled. "That's not the point... the point is you were playing with me for your stupid... manga" he said, as I growled. "My manga isn't stupid, and if anything is stupid… its you for toying with me. I don't know what the fuck your talking about but I'm not playing with you... I LIKE YOU" I shouted, as Itachi stopped and he let go of my wrists. I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "What?" asked Itachi, as I turned my head. "I like you... you really sweet and kind and gentle... I like you" I said, as Itachi just stood there not knowing what to do or say.  I had tears crawling down my face and Itachi cupped my face and I looked at him. "Jamie" he whispered, as I closed my eyes. "Are you satisfied?" I asked, as Itachi shook his head and he kissed my lips. I cried kissing him back. We made-out for a bit there. "Ah-hem" said a voice, as we stopped and I looked at Kent smirking devilishly. "So everything okay now?" he asked, as I growled. "Kent I swear I ought to" I said, as I stopped when Itachi held my hands. "Yes" he said, as I blushed looking at him. Kent chuckled and walked away and then Itachi cupped my face. "Jamie... would you... start going out with me?" he asked, as I blushed and nodded. He smiled and then kissed my lips and I kissed him back.

To Be Continued...

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