Running Away

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The next day I sighed getting up. I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I then paused as the phone rang. "Hello?" I questioned "Jamie darling" said my publisher, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "What now Jasper?" I asked not really in the mood to work. "You have been asked to come to a convention for your work" he said, as I sighed. "Maybe next time Jasper" I said hanging up the phone. I got up, got dressed and walked downstairs. I paused seeing Kent sleeping on the couch and Sean sleeping next to him. 'Your kidding she didn't come and get him' I thought, as I walked to the home phone and started dialing. "Yeah what?" said a guy's voice, as I narrowed my eyes. "Is Alexis there?" I asked "Call back later" said the voice, as I paused hearing the end call dial tone. I growled and got up "Kent" I said, as he slowly opened his eyes. "I'll be back" I said, as he slowly nodded his head. I slammed the door behind me. I walked across the street and banged on the door. I then paused seeing a guy with slick back white hair looking at me with his eyebrow raised. He then smirked and leaned against the door frame. "Hey" he said, as I growled. "Where's Alexis?" I asked, as he sighed. "Again, look she isn’t here" he said, as I crossed my arms. "Where is she?" I asked, as I paused when her sister pushed the guy out of the way. I shivered seeing her dressed in lingerie. "She hasn't been home all night" she said shutting the door in my face. I took out my cell and started dialing her cell phone number. "Yeah?" said a just getting up Alexis "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked "Sleeping" she said simply, as I growled. "ALEXIS SO HELP ME, I OUGHTA...AHHHH" I shouted hanging up the phone. I walked back home and slammed the door behind me. I looked seeing Kent and Sean eating breakfast. I placed my phone on the table. "Sis?" questioned Kent "I'm running away" I said, as Kent sighed and closed his eyes. "Yeah okay" he said, as I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I walked around and stopped at the park. Somehow... I always end up here. I sat on a bench and watched the couples, young married couples and even the old married couples walk by me. I felt... betrayed. "Jamie" said a voice, as I stopped and turned my head. "Itachi" I said, as he walked towards me. "What are you doing here?" he asked, as I lowered my head. "Running away" I said, as he paused. He sat beside me and looked ahead. "Does anyone know your here?" he asked "Kent knows I'm running away" I said, as Itachi smirked closing his eyes. "It's not funny" I said, as he paused looking at me. "No, I... think it's responsible you told your brother" he said, as I sighed. "And yet... I end up alone" I said, as Itachi paused and looked at me. He then looked at what I was staring at and he lowered his head seeing I was staring at couples. "Look... Jamie" he said, as my eyes widened. "Oh crap" I said, as he looked at me. "Quick pretend to kiss me" I said, as his eyes widened. "What?" he asked, as I sighed. I cupped Itachi's face and put my lips on his. Itachi's eyes widened, but he soon closed his eyes and so did I. I waited a few seconds and saw that my publisher was gone. I broke the kiss and sighed. Itachi breathed heavily and I sighed closing my eyes. "Sorry, my publisher makes me do crazy things when I'm off work, so I had to do it" I said, as I blushed when Itachi cupped my face. His eyes were yearning for me and I could feel his breath on my lips. "Ita-" I was about to say, but Itachi kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. His lips were smooth, comforting and warm. Itachi broke the kiss this time and I blushed looking at him nuzzling his head against mine. "That was... I mean" I said, as Itachi smirked and cupped my face. "Jamie... would you go... on a date with me?" he asked, as I paused and my eyes widened. "Me?" I asked, as he nodded. "Yeah" he said, as I smiled. "I'd love to" I whispered, as he smiled and cupped my face. "The park at six" he said, as I nodded. I watched Itachi get up and walk away. I smiled brightly and ran home to get ready. I put on a jean skirt and a nice tank top with a zipper sweatshirt over it. I then put on my puts and put lip gloss on. I ran downstairs and looked at the clock reading 3pm. I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone. "Where are you going?" asked Kent, as I smiled. "A date" I said, as Kent smirked. "Itachi?" he asked, as I nodded. "Have fun" he said, as I looked at the clock. "Would it be weird if I showed up early?" I asked, as Kent sighed. "Sis do something and then go, if you show up early you look desperate" said Kent, as I nodded. I read a few on my manga to pass the time and then at ten to six I left the house and ran to the park. I sat on the bench and looked around seeing more couples than usual. I looked at the park clock reading 6:10. I lowered my head and grabbed my left arm. I lowered it and waited a bit more. As time went by I looked at the clock one more time reading 8:45. I smiled sadly and got up. I then paused as it started raining. Why do I always have bad luck with guys? I turned the corner and slowly walked to my house. "JAMIE" shouted a voice, as I paused and turned my head. My eyes then widened seeing Itachi dressed in a tuxedo running towards me. I blinked a few times as he stopped in front of me and breathed heavily while bending over. Itachi grabbed my hand and my eyes widened as he put his other hand around my waist. Then with the hand that grabbed my hand he moved to my face and cupped it. "I'm sorry... my father surprised me with some business I had to take care of" he said, as I had tears crawling down my face. Itachi paused and wiped them with his thumb. I then blushed as he kissed my lips. We started making out there for a bit and then I broke the kiss. Itachi lowered his head a bit and I grabbed the hand that was cupping my face. "Want to come back to my house?" I asked, as he paused. "Uh... sure" he said blinking a few times. We walked back to my house and walked inside. "Kent" I called out... but no answer. I walked to the kitchen reading a note.

Hey Sis,

Alexis took Sean home while you were "running away" she said she was sorry and lost track of the time. I went to work... won't be home till tomorrow morning, have the late shift tonight. See you later.


"Guess we're alone" I said, as Itachi nodded. I looked at him dripping wet. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Come on let's get cleaned up" I said, as I lead him upstairs. I opened a closet and pulled out some baggy clothes. "Here these are clothes Kent doesn’t use anymore" I said, as Itachi looked at them when I placed it in his hands. "How much do I owe you?" he asked, as I paused. "Owe me? Itachi you can just have them" I said, as Itachi smiled and nodded. "The shower is down the hall to the left" I said, as Itachi looked at me. "And you?" he questioned, as I smiled. "I'll be okay" I said, as he nodded. I walked to my room and got into my shower. I then changed into my pj's a baggy t-shirt and boxer shorts. I dried my hair with a towel and walked out of my room. I then giggled seeing Itachi wearing a baggy t-shirt, sweat pants and a towel around his neck and his hair dripping wet. "Itachi where did you learn how to dry your hair?" I asked walking over to him. "I'm not really got at that kind of stuff" he said, as I giggled putting the towel over his head and started drying his hair with it. "I'm sorry" he said, as I paused and looked at him. "You must have been waiting a long time for me" he said, as I smiled. "It's okay" I said, as I blushed when Itachi took my wrists and pinned me against the wall. "Ita-" I was about to say, but I blushed when Itachi kissed my lips. I closed my eyes kissing him back and we made out there for a bit. I soon turned my head and breathed heavily for air. Itachi smirked and then kissed my left cheek. I blushed and just looked at him kissing me. 

To Be Continued...

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