Starting Something

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I sat up when my cell phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I said "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HELLO, JAMIE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" shouted Alexis, as I sighed and held my body closer. "I'm fine, I'm staying at a friend's house, and I’ll be home soon" I said, as Alexis growled. "It better be just a friend, because I swear if you did something stupid-" she said, as I growled and hanged up my phone. I then turned it off and laid back on the bed. I looked at the gorgeous ceiling that was in front of me. "OI UCHIHA" shouted a voice, as I growled holding my head. I got up and slowly walked to the door. I opened it and looked seeing a giant hallway. "Man... I swear if I wasn't in it I wouldn't believe it" I said, as I started walking and I closed the door behind me. I started walking around and looked at the paintings, photos and sculptures that were placed everywhere. I then walked downstairs and opened one door. My eyes then widened seeing a beautiful Japanese style garden. I took a step out and walked towards the pond. I sat right in front of it and looked at the koi fish in the pond. "Can I help you?" said a deep voice. I jumped and turned my head. I then saw a tall serious looking man wearing fancy clothes. "I was... just admiring your garden" I said, as he paused looking up and down at me. He then smirked and walked over. He knelt beside me and placed a flower in my hand. "You have a keen eye young lady" he said, as I smiled. "I am K-" he was about to say, but the doors slammed opened. We looked seeing the older sibling breathing heavily. "There you are" he said, as I blinked a few times when he walked towards me. He grabbed my hand and my eyes widened as he pulled me up. "Itachi, is this a friend of yours?" asked the man, as Itachi growled. "None of your business" he said, as he pulled me back towards the room he placed me in. "Stay in this room" he said, as I narrowed my eyes. "Why you don't own me" I said, as he sighed closing his eyes. "Please... just until you have healed" he said, as I paused and eyed him. Why was he so different from all the other guys I have met? "Fine, but only for a few more hours, I want to go home" I said, as he nodded his head. I walked to the bed and laid down. I watched as the elder brother was closing the door. "Oh" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "My name is Jamie" I said, as he paused. "Itachi" he said, as I smiled. "Thanks... for you know... saving me and all" I said, as he smirked and closed his eyes. "Your welcome" he said, as he closed the door.

Itachi sighed leaning his back against the door. "She's cute" said a voice, as Itachi stopped and looked at his father smirking at him. "She's a friend... nothing more" said Itachi, as he smirked and closed his eyes. "If you say so... but she is an excellent judge of character" he said, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "How do you know you barely even met her" said Itachi, as Fugaku sighed and closed his eyes. "Itachi... that girl could have blacked mailed you in some way if she really knew who you were, but she didn't... all she did was explore the mansion and even enjoyed the garden. She didn't have to stay here, but she did... she could have wrecked our home... but she didn't" said Fugaku, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Sasuke and I think she might be a prostitute" said Itachi, as Fugaku sighed. "That girl dresses classy and even has manners... she is not a prostitute" said Fugaku walking passed Itachi. Itachi then narrowed his eyes. 'How the hell does he know what a prostitute is supposed to act?' thought Itachi, as he paused when he saw Sasuke. "Quick get that girl out of here" he said, as Itachi blinked a few times. "What for?" asked Itachi "Mom is on her way hearing a rumour about her" said Sasuke, as Itachi's eyes widened. He quickly opened the door and closed it behind him once he walked in. "Jamie you have to-" he was about to say, but he stopped and looked at me sleeping. He walked over and looked at me. "That's really creepy" said Sasuke, as Itachi growled at him. "Shut up" said Itachi "Uh, Jamie" said Itachi, as I slowly opened my eyes. "Oh, Itachi... hi" I said smiling. He smiled back. "Hey" he said, as Sasuke looked back and forth growling. "Oi, Itachi... mom" he said, as Itachi paused. "Right, Jamie... I... uh... well-"Get the hell out" said the younger brother interrupting Itachi "Sasuke" said Itachi, as I sighed getting up and Itachi looked at me concerned. I grabbed my cell phone and walked out of the room. "Jamie wait" said Itachi, as I stopped and looked at him. "I'll walk you home" he said, as I paused. "You want to walk me home?" I asked, as he nodded. I smiled and lowered my head a bit. "I'd... like that" I said, as he smirked and we started walking together. I glanced at him and he smirked at me. I blushed and looked ahead of myself. "So... maybe we can do something sometime" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "I... don't think so" he said, as I stopped and I lowered my head. "Oh" I said, a she paused. "I'm sorry, I'm just... not wanting to date anyone" he said, as I fake smiled as we stopped a block from my house. "Well... thanks for walking me home" I said, as he nodded. "Bye" I said, as he paused and looked around. "Where's your house?" he asked, as I closed my eyes. "Just a couple more blocks" I said, as he stopped and looked at me. "Jamie... are you okay?" he asked, as I turned my head feeling like an idiot for even trying to know this person. "I'm fine" I said turning around and I ran away. Itachi's eyes widened and he reached out a bit as I ran away.

I ran home and sighed as I slammed the door behind me when running in. I then paused seeing Alexis and Kent looking at me. "JAMIE WHAT HAPPENED?" asked Kent running towards me. I sighed and hugged him. Both Kent and Alexis's eyes widened. "Come on sis I'll help you to you room" he said placing my arm around his shoulder and helped me upstairs. I sat on my bed and lowered my head. "You rest sis" he said, as I closed my eyes. "I am such a fool" I said, as Kent stopped and looked at me. "Sis" he said, as I turned my head. "I must have looked so ugly to him" I said, as Kent walked over to me. "Sis" he said, as I looked at him. "Get some rest okay" he said, as I smiled sadly and nodded.

Itachi still stood not really understanding what happened. "Itachi" said a voice, as he turned his head seeing Sasuke with Jamie's purse. "Here" he said, as I looked at it. "She left it in your room... luckily I found it before mom did" said Sasuke, as Itachi then ran in the direction I ran off in. "Oi Itachi" said Sasuke trying to keep up.

I sighed closing my eyes and looking at my ceiling. It was so plain compared to the beautiful one in Itachi's house. I then shook my head and got up. I changed into jeans and a tank top. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. "Hey" said Kent, as I smiled. "Hey" I said "Feeling better?" he asked, as I shrugged. I walked to the kitchen and paused as the door knocked. "Kent can you get that?" I asked "Yeah sure" he said walking to the door. He then stopped looking at two guys and one holding my purse. "Can I help you?" he asked, as the younger one paused looking at the older one. "Itachi?" questioned Sasuke.

To Be Continued...

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