At Work

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The next day I got up and grabbed my pages and put them in an envelope. I got changed and ran downstairs. "Morning Kent" I said, as he smirked. "Morning" he said, as I grabbed a piece of toast and put it in my mouth. "Itachi's little brother is here to see you" said Kent, as I paused and turned my head seeing Sasuke narrowing his eyes at me. "fam worie uske unt wam rate lor murk" I said, as Kent sighed. "Sis that really isn't attractive" said Kent, as I growled and ran passed Sasuke. "Wait" said Sasuke, as I dashed out the door. "Sorry her pages are due today so she'll be home pretty late" said Kent, as Sasuke growled. "Maybe I can help" said Kent, as Sasuke glared at him. "Forget it" he said, as Kent narrowed his eyes seeing Sasuke walking out the door. When at work I handed in my pages and Jasper smiled. "Ah Jamie these are you best yet... including the new male character" he said, as I smiled. "Thanks" I said, as he patted my head. "We'll get it published right away... now as for the next issue" he said laying out some papers. I then stopped as my cell phone rang. "Uh I'll be right back" I said, as Jasper narrowed his eyes. "Jamie please hurry you know how it is when you can't remember your lay out" he said, as I sighed. "I know, I know" I said dashing around the corner and I looked at my cell phone seeing Itachi. I blushed and I picked it up. "Hello?" I said, as I heard chuckling. "Geez took you long enough" said Itachi, as I growled a bit. "Shut up what do you expect I'm at work" I said, as I paused when I didn't hear anything. "That is I... thanks for calling" I said blushing and lowering my eyes. "Have a good day" said Itachi, as I paused. "Wait" I said, as I heard nothing. "Want to get together for lunch?" I asked, as I again heard nothing. "I'll text you if I'm free" he said hanging up. I lowered my head and dashed back to Jasper and the lay outs. By lunch I sighed looking at my pages... nothing was coming to my mind. "Jamie how are we doing?" asked Jasper, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "Jasper stop breathing down my neck" I said, as he whined. "Eh Jamie, work, work" he said, as I growled standing up and then I stopped as my phone ringed. I picked it up and I blushed seeing Itachi had texted me.

Hey, I'm at the cafe across the main business building downtown. I hope to see you soon. Itachi

I smiled and dashed towards the doors. "JAMIE YOUR NEXT PAGES" shouted Jasper "I'LL COME BACK AFTER LUNCH" I shouted, as he sighed and then smirked. "Figured... she doesn't do something like this unless it's a boy" he said closing his eyes and looking at the new manga volume. "Wonder who this new boy is" he said to himself. I breathed heavily once I exited to main building. I then smiled seeing the cafe and I dashed inside. I then stopped seeing tons of girls surrounding one table. "Damn, why do I have to wait?" asked Hidan "Because you were drunk in her room" said Kakuzu. I lowered my head as more and more girls gathered around. "Jamie" said a voice, as I looked up and blushed seeing Itachi smiling at me. I looked around seeing girls gasping. "Come on" he said taking my hand causing me to blush more. We sat at the table and Hidan smirked. "Hey she is cute... I wasn't so drunk as to notice that" said Hidan, as Kakuzu and Itachi sighed. "You hungry?" asked Itachi, as I smiled. "Yeah" I said, as I paused when he placed his food in front of me. "Go ahead" he said, as I looked at him. "You sure?" I asked, as he smirked. "Yeah I don't see any waitress wanting to take your order anytime soon" he said, as I sighed. "Everything okay?" asked Itachi "Yeah, just tired" I said, as Hidan smirked. "Itachi give it to you last night?" asked Hidan, as my eyes widened, and Itachi growled. Both Kakuzu and Itachi hit his head. "SHUT UP" they shouted, as I blushed and lowered my head. I ate the food in front of me and then I stopped when my cell phone rang. "Damn" I said getting up. "You have to go?" asked Itachi, as I paused. "Yeah, my publisher wants to make sure my lay out is good for the next volume" I said, as Itachi nodded. "Eh your a manga artist" said Hidan, as I sighed. "Not one word" I said, as he hpmhed and turned his head. I took a few steps and then paused looking back at Itachi. I gulped and walked back towards him. "Forget something?" he asked, as he paused looking at me shocked while cupping his face. Then everyone's eyes widened including his when I kissed his lips. I broke the kiss and he looked at me shocked. I lowered my eyes and dashed off. I ran back to the main building. "I have to say Uchiha... she sure doesn't know limitations" said Kakuzu, as Itachi smirked and closed his eyes. "Yeah... but that's what makes her Jamie I guess" he said, as Hidan growled. "What are you up to with her?" asked Hidan, as Itachi stood up. "Nothing for yourself to be concerned with" said Itachi walking away, as Hidan growled. "I've never seen Uchiha so happy" said Kakuzu, as Hidan hpmhed and turned his head.

I finally finished my work and sighed seeing it was 3 am. "Damn I worked later than expected" I said to myself. "Night Jamie-sempai" said a bunch of other manga artists, as I smiled. "Night guys" I said walking to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited there for a few moments. When the doors opened my eyes widened and I saw Itachi. "Hey" he said, as I blushed walking in. "Hi" I said pressing the M button. "So you work in this building" he asked, as I slowly nodded my head. "And you?" I asked, as he smirked closing his eyes. "I had business on the top floor" he said, as I slowly nodded my head. "Everything okay?" he asked, as I blushed and smiled. "Yeah I'm sorry about the kiss" I said, as my eyes widened when Itachi stopped the elevator. I looked at him shocked. "Ita-" I was about to say, but my eyes widened when he pinned me against the wall. I looked at him shocked and then I blushed when he kissed my lips. We started making out in the elevator and Itachi growled breaking the kiss when his cell phone rang. He unstopped the elevator and we walked out when the doors opened. "So you going home?" he asked, as I blushed and nodded. I started walking towards the door and I stopped when my cell phone rang. I looked at it and paused seeing it was from Itachi. I paused and looked back at him. Then I looked at my text.

I enjoyed the kiss, text me when you get home safely... love Itachi

I ran and hugged Itachi. He smirked and hugged me back. "I will" I said, as he smiled and hugged me tightly.

To Be Continued...

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