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I then slowly broke the kiss and Itachi looked down at me breathing heavily. "I... have to get back to work" I said, as Itachi smirked and closed the door. I then paused seeing him still in the room. "Can I watch?" he asked, as I smiled and closed my eyes. "Of course" I said, as Itachi pulled up a chair and watched me. I started sketching and Itachi smiled looking at me. "So... How long have you been doing this?" he asked, as I smirked closing my eyes. "About a year or two" I said, as he nodded. "So... how many relationships have you been in?" he asked, as I paused and looked at him. "Itachi... am I going to get any work done or are you wanting to play twenty questions with me?" I asked, as he smiled sadly lowering his head. "Right sorry" he said, as I paused. I put down my pen and walked over to him. I sat on his lap and he blushed looking at me. "This is my first real relationship" I said, as Itachi smiled and cupped my face. "Same" he said, as I smiled. "Anything else?" I asked, as he smirked. "Your favorite color" he asked, as I smirked. "Black" I said, as he smiled running his fingers through my hair. "Same" he said sounding delighted. I then paused as he cupped my face. "Hey Itachi-whoa" said a voice, as we stopped and I blushed seeing Deidara and another guy smirking at us. "So this is where your running off to" said Deidara, as I blushed getting off Itachi. Itachi sighed and stood up. "How did you find me?" asked Itachi "Sasuke showed us" said Deidara, as Itachi paused and slapped his face. "Look uh, I'll meet you outside" said Itachi, as Deidara and the other guy chuckled walking away. "Look I have to go" he said, as I smiled and kissed his lips. Itachi's eyes widened and he kissed me back. He then broke the kiss and I smiled looking at him. Itachi then turned his head. "I'll... call you okay" he said walking away. "But Itachi" I said, as he waved good-bye to me. "I'll call you" he said running out the door. "BUT" I shouted, as he ran away "You don't have my number" I said lowering my head. So much for dating. I went back to work and sighed. Maybe I wasn't meant to be with someone like him.

Hours later and I sighed stretching my arms. My next issue was done. I got up and walked out of my room. "Kent" I said, as he smiled. "Hey" he said "Itachi... hasn't come by has he?" I asked, as Kent paused. "Uh... no" he said, as I smiled sadly. "Did he do something stupid?" asked Kent, as I shook my head. "Forget it, I'll watch a movie in my room" I said walking upstairs. I closed my door and then I paused hearing a knock at my balcony. I walked over and pulled the curtain out of the way and then I paused seeing a guy with short white hair and half naked on my balcony. I opened it and looked at him. "Are you okay?" I asked, as he hugged me. "Your that girl Itachi knows right?" he asked. "Uh... yes" I said, as he smirked. "Your pretty" he whispered, as I turned my head in disgust. "And your drunk" I said, as he chuckled. I put him on my bed and he smirked at me. "So want some?" he asked, as I turned my head. "No way" I said, as he smirked and cupped my face. I then stuck out my tongue. "Gross" I mumbled. "Hidan?" said a voice, as we turned our heads seeing Itachi. "Hey Uchiha, your girl here is hot" he said, as Itachi sighed pinching his nose. "You are so drunk" he said, as Hidan chuckled. "Not again" said a voice, as I looked seeing a guy with long black hair and green eyes. "Yo Kakuzu" he said waving his arm around. Kakuzu walked over to Hidan and carried him over his shoulder. "Sorry about this idiot" said Kakuzu walking out. Itachi then sighed as they walked out. "Sorry he drinks every day and thinks he can do as he pleases" said Itachi, as I sat on my bed and closed my eyes. "Well see you" I said, as Itachi paused and looked at me. "What that's it? No good-bye kiss or anything?" asked Itachi, as I paused and closed my eyes. "I'm not feeling well I don't want you to catch anything" I said holding my legs and facing the balcony. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, as I closed my eyes and held myself tighter. "No I'm just not feeling well" I lied... why would someone… as perfect as Itachi want to be with me anyway. "Jamie" he said, as I tightened my grip on myself. "You should go before anyone else finds you here" I said, as Itachi stopped. He paused as his cell phone rang. Itachi looked down at it and then looked up at me. He put his cell phone on my dresser and walked towards me. I paused seeing him looking down at me. "What?" I asked, as he grabbed my hands. "Let me go" I said closing my eyes. I then blushed, as Itachi kissed the right side of my neck. "But I'm sick" I lied, as I paused when Itachi lightly pushed me down on my bed. "I could use a few sick days" he said, as I looked at him cupping my face. Itachi then kissed my lips and I soon closed my eyes kissing him back. When we broke I paused looking up at him. "Why me?" I asked, as Itachi paused. "Why did you want to stay with me? Why did you help me? Why?" I asked, as Itachi paused. "I... don't know" he said, as I lowered my head. I then blushed as he kissed my lips again. "But I do know I want your number" he said, as I paused and then laughed. Itachi paused and he blushed this time looking at me laughing. "Itachi your such a dork" I said, as he paused. "I'm a what?" he asked, as I paused seeing him kind of offended. I sat up and kissed his lips. He paused and kissed me back. When we broke I smiled and placed my hands around his neck. "It's okay... I like you" I whispered, as Itachi smiled. "I should go though" he said, as I slowly nodded my head. He got up and walked to my dresser grabbing his cell.... he then looked back at me smiling sadly at him. He walked back over and kissed my lips. My eyes widened and I kissed him back. When he broke he opened his phone and gave it to me. "Here" he said, as I smiled and put my number in his cell phone. I then grabbed my cell and hand it over to him. He smirked and put his number in it. He then paused as his cell started ringing again. "Crap, I really have to go" he said, as I hugged him. Itachi's eyes widened and then they soften feeling my hug. "Be safe" I whispered, as Itachi smiled and closed his eyes hugging me back. When the hug broke he kissed my right cheek. "Night" he said running off. I soon closed my eyes and smiled happily... Itachi Uchiha... the man who is actually stealing my heart.

Itachi soon got home and sighed walking in the door. "There you are" said Fugaku, as Itachi growled. "Can we not, I have had a long day" he said, as Fugaku smirked. "I know Sasuke told me you snuck out to see that girl again" he said, as Itachi growled. "I did not" said Itachi, as Fugaku smirked and crossed his arms. "Really then where were you?" asked Fugaku "Trying to find Hidan he was drunk" said Itachi, as Fugaku sighed and closed his eyes. "Whatever you say Itachi" said Fugaku walking away. Itachi then closed his eyes and then paused when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and stopped seeing he got a text from me.

Hey, sorry I got all sentimental on you. I just still can't believe we're going out :) Text me when your ever free... come to think of it sorry for texting you so late too. Night :) Jamie

Itachi sighed and closed his eyes and then closed his cell phone. "Got in deep over your head huh?" said Sasuke, as Itachi closed his eyes and walked by him. "I'm going to bed" he said, as Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes. 'If Itachi won't break it off with her I guess I will' thought Sasuke closing his eyes.

To Be Continued...

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