Good For You, Bad For Me

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Alexis was smiling while dancing and then she stopped when the slow songs came. She looked around seeing people coupling up. She sighed closing her eyes and took a step to get off the dance floor. She then stopped when a hand tapped on her shoulder. She turned her head and paused seeing a guy with short red hair and brown eyes. "Can I have this dance?" he asked, as Alexis blushed and looked at me slowly drinking my glass. She smiled and nodded her head and danced with the stranger. "Thanks, I kind of felt weird not dancing with anyone" she said, as he smirked. "No problem, I was happy to do it" he said, as she smiled. "I'm Alexis" she said, as he paused. "Sasori" he said, as Alexis smiled. "That's kind of cool... like scorpion right?" asked Alexis, as he nodded. "OI SASORI WHAT ARE YOU-" said a voice, as they turned their head. Alexis' eyes widened seeing the blonde from lunch. She blushed more seeing how gorgeous he was up close. "What?" asked Sasori, as Alexis paused and realised Sasori was also one of the nine gorgeous guys that were outside of the cafe. "What are you doing?" he asked blushing while turning his head. "Dancing with Alexis" he said, as she smiled a bit when he remembered her name. The blonde hpmhed and took a step. "You call that dancing I can do ten times better than that" said the blonde, as Sasori narrowed his eyes. "Like I care" he said, as the blonde growled and cut between Sasori and Alexis. He grabbed Alexis' hands and smirked evilly towards Sasori. Alexis blushed as he started dancing with the blonde. He then paused and looked down at Alexis seeing her lowering her head. "You okay?" he asked, as she slowly nodded her head. "You sure?" he asked, as she blushed more and nodded as smoke came out of her ears. The blonde blushed and looked down at her. "I'm... Deidara" he said, as Alexis' eyes widened and she looked at him shocked. He leaned back seeing her looking at him shocked. Alexis then smiled while closing her eyes. "Alexis" she said, as he smiled and they continued dancing.

I on the other hand sighed while watching her dance with the blonde. I closed my eyes and placed my glass on the table in front of me. "Hey" said a voice, as I stopped and looked seeing a bunch of slutty looking girls. "What?" I asked, as they crossed their arms. "Tell your friend to get her hands off Deidara" said one girl, as I narrowed my eyes. "What?" I asked, as they hpmhed. "You heard us, Deidara is ours" she said, as I stood up and glared at them. "Is that right?" I asked, as the leader took a step towards me. "Yeah that's right" she said, as I took a step and her eyes widened seeing how angry I was. "I don't need your fucking mouths in my faces about what you think is yours... go back to fucking high school and get a fucking life" I said grabbing our purses. "Hold it" said the leader grabbing my hair. I glared at her and she let me go. "Touch me again and I'll knock you out from her to the next century" I said walking towards the dance floor. I then tapped Alexis on the shoulder. The blonde looked at me shocked and kind of narrowed his eyes at me. "Hey, I'm going to go" I said handing Alexis her purse. "Eh, but you just got here" she said, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "Alexis, you have fun okay" I said, as she slowly nodded her head. "I can have one of my friends dance with you if you want" said the blonde, as I looked at him. "No I'm good" I said, as I walked out of the club and walked to the park. I sat on a bench and sighed taking off my shoes. "There she is" said a voice, as I looked seeing the slutty girls from before. 'Damn' I thought, as they surrounded me. I narrowed my eyes and ready my fists. They came at me and I stood my ground fighting back. Some pulled my hair, while some scratched my arms. I kicked one girl in the mouth and punched another girl in the gut. One girl punched my face and I grunted and glared at them. I soon lost and laid on the ground with blood pouring from my mouth, my body bruised and my breathing heavy. I soon then passed out.

"Who is she?" said a voice "How am I supposed to know, she was passed out in the park" said a voice "So what you helped her even if she could be a prostitute" said the first voice. "I saw her in the night club she couldn't be a prostitute" said the second voice. "Oh yeah sure, just because you saw her, she can't possibly be one" said the first voice sarcastically, as the second voice growled. I moaned and held my head causing silence to happen in the room. I slowly got up and opened my eyes. I looked and saw I was in a luxurious room. "Am I dead" I said out loud, as I stopped when seeing two guys who looked identical but one shorter than the other. I then looked at myself and my eyes widened seeing myself bandaged up. "Crap... I didn't think they did that bad of injuries on me" I mumbled, as the two guys walked over to me. "You alright?" asked the older looking guy. I glanced at him and paused remembering he was one of the nine guys outside the cafe the other day. "I'm fine" I said sitting up. My eyes then widened and my head pulsed. "Ah" I said holding onto my head. "Take it easy" he said holding onto my arms. I narrowed my eyes at him and then winced as my brain was pulsing again. He laid me back and I glared at him. "What do you want with me?" I asked, as they paused looking at each other. "Uh, nothing you passed out at the park, so I took you to my home" said the older one. "So you just randomly help any girl passed out?" I asked, as he paused. "Geez how about being grateful" said the younger one, as I glared at him. "How about shutting your fucking mouth" I said, as he glared at me and I glared at him. I then winced as my head pulsed again. "Would you relax, I'm not going to hurt you... I promise" he said, as I paused and looked into his eyes. For some reason... I believed him. I laid back and watched him sigh in relief. I then paused remembering Kent. "My phone" I said, as he paused and handed me my purse. I took it out reading 35 missed calls. "Damn" I said trying to dial but my head ached. "Calm down, I'll text the number u want" he said, as I smiled. "Thanks" I said, as he nodded. "Which one?" he asked "Kent" I said, as he stopped and looked at me. "Okay" he said, as I smiled and closed my eyes eventually I passed out again. "You seriously going to do that for the prostitute?" asked Sasuke, as Itachi sighed. "Stop it" he said going to the texting page for Kent. Itachi then texted...

Got stuck in a bind and couldn't call you. Sorry for worrying you I will be back soon. I'll call you when I get the chance.

Itachi sighed sending the message and they both stopped when the phone rang for a text that was sent to the phone. "Damn that was fast" said Sasuke, as they looked at the text.

Idiot just say you had to work late again, don't fucking scare me like that. Anyway... Alexis dropped by saying she had news. Text her when you get a chance. I'm off to work. See you later.

Itachi paused looking at the text and then looked at me sleeping. "You know... I don't think she is a prostitute" said Itachi, as Sasuke hpmhed and turned his head. "Please she is to" said Sasuke walking out the door. Itachi placed down my phone by the nightstand and looked at me. He sighed closing his eyes and walked out of the room.

To Be Continued...

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