The Find

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 Chase's POV

"What can we do Mr. Davenport?" I asked

"First we go to the scene of the crime, trying to find clues, but we have to make sure the police don't catch us or we'll become suspects." he started with the most of serious faces he never had, "Second, we research the history of that cannibal." And he started to cry, "And third, we start suspecting everyone in Mission Creek that moved or visited here in the last four months."

Wait, that means we're including Mag in our suspect list, she moved here two months ago. I don't want to do that, but it makes sen...No, Chase! Don't think that, you can't be sure. It's crazy to think that. But i knew a part of me hated to believe that Mag could be Annibal. But nothing can be proven yet.

"From now on, be careful with who you let in your life, and let's hope it's not another bionic like Marcus." Mr. Davenport finished with a warning glare he gave all of us, especially me.

At the scene of the crime

Bree's POV

The crime scene was covered of cops, including Officer Beckett and Officer Ryan. We had to hide ourselves under disguises with one of Mr. Davenport's gadgets to be sure we don't get recognized. But unfortunately, it's gonna be hard to find evidence. As far we we're concerned, this place was a dump, how are we supposed to find clues? The only thing we find was vomit, empty beer bottles and... what was that?

"Chase, Chase come check this out."

"What's wrong Bree?"

"Chase, can you use your bionics to identify this substance, it might be blood?"

"Can I." he gave me with a smirk.

"Geez, just do it!" I snapped.

Then Chase started to have a very worried face, I never seen him this scared about something.

"Chase what's wrong? You look upset, what's going on?"

"Tell everyone we found our leading clue, and probably our killer, unfortunately." he cried.

he took the blood in a container, and left.

What did he mean by unfortunately, I don't get it?

Back to the lab

Chase's POV

I wasn't mistaken, well why I would be, the blood Bree found close to a dumpster matches the DNA of the employee killed, but I found as well the evidence of another individual. It's the person I never I hoped it would be. Its Mag's DNA, she was at the crime scene, but why. "She can't be the killer, she just can't!" I screamed in frustration.

"Chase the evidence is there," Mr. Davenport yelled back at me, "She's messed up in this, and now it's time to confront her . I'm sorry we have looked in your girlfriend's life, but she was there, and she might be our killer!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" I screamed my lungs out to everyone.

For a minute, everyone in the lab looked at me with a shocked face in silent.

"Then, if she's not your girlfriend," Adam started, "Why won't you believe she might be Annibal?"

I was shocked, what did this mean.

"You see Chase, that's how you know you have feelings for someone: You can't accept the fact of what they did, because you got blinded by love."

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