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Owen presented her with a pair of gloves and a matching helmet, ensuring her safety on the road. Harry gifted her one of his jackets, which was oversized and perfect for cuddling in. Chris surprised her with a box of hair clips, reminiscent of the ones he often wore. Noah had generously gifted her several outfits, reflecting her unique sense of style that Yara had grown to admire.

To top it off, Owen handed Yara a crew jacket and even gave her five of his own jackets, knowing her fondness for collecting them. It was a heartwarming display of friendship and generosity that left Yara feeling deeply touched.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done to me guys, I didn't expect that this expected trip to the UK would be one of the best moments in my life, I really thank you.. " Yara's heartfelt words filled the air as she expressed her gratitude to her friends. She watched as they gathered around her, their faces reflecting a mix of emotions—gratitude, fondness, and perhaps a hint of sadness at her impending departure.

"Are you still gonna blame me for booking you a unexpected flight?" Owen fake pouted as Yara snickered, "Not really, since unexpected things are more memorable than planned stuff," Yara replied warmly, giving Owen a closed-eyed smile.

Her words resonated with the group, reminding them of the countless adventures and spontaneous moments they had shared together during Yara's stay in the UK.

The airport buzzed with activity as the boarding announcement rang out, signaling the imminent departure. Yara hesitated, her emotions swirling as she stood amidst her friends. Sensing her uncertainty, the four of them shared a knowing gaze before enveloping Yara in a tight embrace. They held each other close, as if trying to prolong the moment before their inevitable separation.

After the others broke away, it was just Yara and Owen left in the embrace. Yara buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his comforting scent. Owen reciprocated, holding her close as if trying to imprint the memory of her against him.

"Let's meet again and I'll be sure to set a date for you and Shelly, alright?" Yara chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. But Owen's expression remained conflicted, his uncertainty evident on his face.

The weight of Owen's uncertain response lingered as Yara walked away. Despite the farewells and good wishes echoing behind her, she didn't dare to turn around. She knew that if she did, the pull of her friends' presence would make it even harder to leave.

With each step, Yara felt the distance between them grow, both physically and emotionally. Her heart felt heavy with the weight of impending separation, yet she pressed forward, knowing that her journey back to Korea awaited her.

As she disappeared into the bustling crowd of the airport, Yara couldn't shake the feeling of longing for the moments she had shared with her friends in the UK. But she also carried with her the memories of their laughter, camaraderie, and the bonds forged during their time together.

Yara waved her hand one last time before disappearing into the plane. As she settled into her first-class seat, a sense of loneliness washed over her. The familiar presence of her friends was absent, leaving her feeling strangely isolated. With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes and donned her new earphones, drowning out the noise of the airport with music.

Despite the comforts of the luxurious surroundings, Yara couldn't shake the feeling of longing for the camaraderie she had experienced in the UK. But she also knew that she was returning to where she truly belonged, to her life in Korea.

As the plane prepared for takeoff, Yara reflected on the memories she had made and the friendships she had forged during her unexpected trip. Until they met again, the UK would remain a cherished chapter in her life.


Yara breathed in the familiar scent of Korea, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. With a smile on her face, she exited the airport and made her way to the parking lot where her bike awaited. Relief flooded through her when she saw it was still there, just as she had left it. After unlocking it, she hopped on and began the journey back home.

As she rode through the streets she knew so well, every sight and sound felt like a warm embrace, confirming that she was indeed back where she belonged. The journey was like a nostalgic trip down memory lane, with each familiar landmark reinforcing her sense of home.

Finally arriving at her front gate, she couldn't contain her excitement. Unlocking it, she practically bounded towards the front door, eager to step back into the comfort of her own home. As she entered, the comforting scent enveloped her, reaffirming her sense of belonging.

Rushing to her room, Yara couldn't resist the urge to jump onto her bed and roll around, feeling a childlike joy bubbling up inside her. She was back, and she couldn't wait to surprise her crew with her unexpected return.




𝔗𝔬 𝔅𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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