The Awkward Promposal

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Hey guys, just a quick update, I've decided Ollie Marland should play Joe. There's a pic I've attached of him incase any of you didn't know who he was :)

Ammie's POV:

I was eating breakfast when I heard someone call my name, it was Rachel, who lived in the dorm next to us.

"Hey Rachel, what's up?" I asked.

"Your mail was delivered and I'm pretty sure I saw a university letter in there, you know with you waiting for an answer from UCL I thought-"

"Thanks, Rachel!" I shouted as I sprinted out of the dining hall and up the stairs, forgetting that this amazing concept called a lift was invented and could have been used. I began panting as I finally reached my dorm and collapsed on my bed.

I think I should sign up for the gym.

But food...

But exercise...

What's more important to spend money on, food or exercise?

Good point.

I got up from the bed and checked the letter, it was from a university. I tore open the envelope, excited and praying it was from UCL, but to my disappointment, it was from Bristol. It was an acceptance letter which I should be happy about but I've set my heart on UCL.

Abi then came in.

"Is it from UCL?" She asked me.

"Bristol." I replied, flatly.

"Congrats, Ammie, Bristol is one of the best universities going, you should be happy you got in, but I'm sure UCL will contact you soon."

"I guess." I sighed.

We then made our way downstairs.

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Crap, I was meant to meet Joe five minutes ago!" I said as I grabbed my jacket and rushed out, luckily for me the park was only down the street. Once I arrived, I saw him sitting on a swing, looking around.

"Hey!" I said, jogging up to him.

"Hey! I thought you ditched me for a second then." He replied, smiling.

"Sorry I'm late, I got a letter from a university but it was from Bristol." I told him.

"Hey, Bristol is an amazing university, I know you'll get into UCL but any university would be honoured to have you as a student." He replied, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

"Bet I can swing higher than you." He boasted, challenging me.

"Bring it on!" I counter argued. We swung for a bit until I gave up.

"You do know the only reason you won was because you're taller than me, right?" I told him.

"Well someone's a sore loser." He joked.

"Shut it."

"Okay, now why did you want to meet me? Not that I don't enjoy your company but you said you had some stuff to discuss. Oh that rhymed." He said, amusing himself.

"Right... And yeah I did. I need to ask you something." I began.

Okay you can do this, I mean you're just asking a friend to prom, no big deal right?

Oh yeah totally, that's why your heart's racing and you're sweating.

Shut up.

"Sure, what is it?"

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