We need answers

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Ammie's pov:

I opened my eyes slightly to see myself in an unknown environment, beside me was Amy, Liam and Harry.

"Do you remember what happened?" Liam asked.

"I remember Courtney and the lake and then it's just a blur."

"Ammie you fell in the lake, Harry went in and got you out." Amy said.

"Thanks Harry, but that was stupid. What if something happened to you."

"Well nothing did and you're safe."

"Do you know what Courtney wanted?" Liam asked.

"She said she wanted me to pay for what I did to Jay but I could honestly tell she didn't want any of this."

"Mrs King said you can have a few days off school, so I'll be back at the end of the day, lunch time is almost over." Liam said as they all hugged me and went.

The nurse gave me the all clear and I was allowed to go back to my dorm as long as I rested.

As soon as I went in I collapsed onto my bed, the school hospital beds aren't that comfy.

Aren't they all the same...?

No! I like my bed matress okay leave me alone!

Well sorry!

I was really bored staying in our dorm so I went into the boys' room. Well when I say went, I really mean picklocked the door with a hairpin. The boys are so mean they didn't give me a spare key. This is resting isn't? Well it is in my books.

I went in and saw a pile of DVDs, I decided to watch 'The Conjuring'. I was glued to the tv so I didn't realise the boys coming in.

"How did you get in here? Louis did you forget to lock the door again?"

"Hey it wasn't me, Liam!"

"I picklocked the door, luckily these doors aren't up to speed with hi tech doors."

"Ammie if you're well enough to watch horror movies, you're well enough to study maths." Liam said.

"Fine fine, I'll start again tomorrow since the day is almost over."

I went down to dinner where I was greeted by everyone.

"Ammie, you're alive!" Everyone ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Mate I don't like hospitals so please don't squeeze me to death I really don't want to go back." I said but laughed.

"Ah, Ammie. How are you feeling?" Mrs King said as she came up to me.

"Fine thanks."

"I can assure you that this will not happen again, I'm sorry it did."

"It wasn't your fault it was mine."

"Well I'll let you eat."

We all ate dinner and I went back to my dorm. I need to know why this happened, there's only one thing I can do.

Change your identity, go in disguise, watch her and find her motives.

No... We can just go to her school and ask her.

It's late though we can't go.

If Courtney found a way in, we can find a way out.

Amy, Abi, Nikki and Nish enetered the dorm where we talked, soon enough Justin came in as well.

"Guys, I need to sort this out, will you cover for me while I sneak out to the other school?"

"Are you crazy!? After what happened yesterday, no way!" Nikki said.

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