Chapter #18

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Lee Jordan's voice boomed across the Quidditch pitch as Gryffindor faced off against Slytherin in their first match of the term. The excitement was palpable as students from both houses filled the stands, eager to see their teams in action.

"Welcome, folks, to what promises to be an exciting match between Gryffindor and Slytherin!" Lee's voice echoed through the stadium. "And here come the players now, ready to take to the skies!"

As the players mounted their brooms, Ron Weasley could feel the nerves gnawing at him. He knew he had a big job to do as Gryffindor's keeper, and the pressure was starting to get to him.

"And they're off!" Lee exclaimed as the game began. "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle, but wait – here comes Alexia... Should I say Jackson or Black?- Gryffindor's star Chaser! She's speeding down the pitch, dodging Slytherin's defence with ease!"

Alexia soared through the air, her eyes fixed on the goalposts ahead. Despite Ron's shaky performance in the goal, she was determined to keep Gryffindor in the game.

"She shoots – and she scores!" Lee cried out as Alexia sent the Quaffle sailing through the hoop. "What a brilliant goal by Alexia! Gryffindor takes the lead!"

But Slytherin wasn't about to go down without a fight. Their Seeker, Draco Malfoy, was hot on Harry's tail, each of them vying for the elusive Golden Snitch.

"And there they go, folks – Potter and Malfoy locked in a fierce chase for the Snitch!" Lee's voice crackled with excitement. "It's neck and neck, – who will emerge victorious?"

Meanwhile, Ron was doing his best to keep Slytherin's Chasers at bay, but his nerves were getting the better of him. Time and again, Slytherin managed to slip past him, putting Gryffindor's lead in jeopardy.

"Come on, Ron!" Harry shouted from above the voices of the Slytherin's chants Weasley is our king, his eyes darting between the Snitch and the game below. "You've got this!"

Despite his nerves, Ron was determined to make his team proud. With each goal that Alexia scored, he felt a surge of determination to do better.

The game reached its climax, all eyes were on Harry and Draco as they continued their intense pursuit of the Snitch. And then, in a thrilling moment that seemed to happen in slow motion, Harry made a daring dive – and emerged triumphantly with the Snitch clasped tightly in his hand."Gryffindor wins!" Lee's voice rang out across the pitch. "Potter catches the Snitch, securing victory for Gryffindor in a spectacular match!"The Gryffindor supporters erupted into cheers as their team celebrated their hard-fought win.

As the teams descended from their brooms, Alexia wasted no time flying over to Ron to offer her congratulations. But as she approached, she could see the disappointment etched on Ron's face, his shoulders slumped and his expression crestfallen.

Sensing his mood, Alexia landed beside him and offered a reassuring smile. "Hey, you did great out there," she said, trying to lift his spirits. "I know it wasn't your best game, but we still won, right?"

Ron shook his head, his voice tinged with frustration. "I played terribly, Alexia. I let the team down."

Alexia placed a hand on his shoulder, her gaze steady and unwavering. "Ron, it's okay. We all have off days. Besides, nerves can get the best of anyone, especially in a high-pressure match like this. But I know you're better than that. You've got talent, Ron, and with a bit more practice, you'll be unstoppable."

Ron looked up at her, his expression conflicted. "Do you really think so?"

Alexia nodded emphatically. "Absolutely. You've got the skills, Ron. All you need is a bit more confidence and belief in yourself. Trust me, you're capable of amazing things."

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