Chapter #14

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Let's pretend the Prefects have their own dormitory... For plot purposes, of course.


Ron scans the Great Hall, his eyes darting from one group of students to the next, he can't help but feel a pang of worry gnawing at his insides. He knows Alexia has been under a lot of stress lately, especially with all the rumours swirling around her, and the thought of her being upset or in trouble fills him with a sense of unease.

Meanwhile, Harry makes his way down to the Quidditch pitch, his steps quickening with each passing moment. He scans the field, searching for any sign of his friend, but the vast expanse of grass stretches out before him, empty and deserted. A feeling of frustration wells up inside him as he realizes that Alexia is nowhere to be found.

Hermione paces back and forth in front of the Gryffindor tower, her mind races with worry. She knows how much Alexia has been struggling lately, and the idea of her girlfriend being upset or alone tears at her heartstrings. With each passing moment, her anxiety grows, and she can't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong.

Despite their best efforts, the trio comes up empty-handed, their search yielding no sign of Alexia. With each passing moment, their worry deepens, and they can't help but fear the worst. But even in the face of uncertainty, they refuse to give up hope, determined to find their friend and make sure she's okay, no matter what it takes.

The clock ticks past midnight, the common room grows quiet, the only sound the gentle click of Hermione's knitting needles as she works diligently on her latest project. Harry and Ron, tired from their search were convinced by Hermione to go to bed, she reassured them she would wait for Alexia to return.

With each stitch, Hermione's mind wanders, her thoughts consumed by worry for Alexia. She knows her girlfriend has been through a lot lately, and the idea of her out there alone weighs heavily on her heart. But despite her concern, she refuses to give in to fear, choosing instead to channel her energy into something productive.

As she knits, Hermione's determination burns bright, her fingers moving with purpose as she creates each garment. With every completed piece, she feels a sense of satisfaction, knowing that each one will serve as a small step towards making a difference in the lives of house-elves everywhere.

Hours pass, the fire in the common room burning low as Hermione continues to knit, her resolve unyielding. She knows she may be up late into the night, but she doesn't mind. For as long as it takes, she'll stay here, waiting for Alexia and doing her part to make the world a better place, one stitch at a time.

Hermione's heart leaps at the sound of footsteps approaching, and when Alexia steps into the common room, her relief is palpable. Setting aside her knitting, Hermione rushes forward to envelop Alexia in a tight hug, her arms wrapping around her girlfriend with a mixture of relief and concern.

"Alexia!" Hermione exclaims, her voice a mixture of emotions. "Where have you been? We've been worried sick about you!"

As Hermione rushes forward to hug Alexia, her relief palpable, Alexia offers a weary smile in return, feeling the tension of the evening starts to ease away in Hermione's embrace.

As she pulls back from the hug, Hermione's expression softens, but there's a hint of reproach in her eyes as she playfully slaps Alexia on the arm. "You can't just disappear like that, you know? We were all looking for you."

Alexia's eyes meet Hermione's, and for a moment, she's taken aback by the intensity of the concern in her girlfriend's gaze. "I'm sorry, Hermione," she says softly, reaching out to squeeze Hermione's hand.

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