Chapter #3

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It was the next day and Alexia slept for the first time in her father's former bedroom, it was the first time in the entire summer she managed to sleep all night. To Alexia's surprise, there's a glow in the bedroom, like a line indicating to her where should she go. 

As Alexia followed the faint glow that seemed to beckon her through the dimly lit corridors of 12 Grimmauld Place, she couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that tugged at her insides. The soft illumination led her with a gentle guiding light, leading her on a path she couldn't quite comprehend.

With each step, Alexia's heart quickened with anticipation, her mind racing with questions and wonderment at the mysterious phenomenon unfolding before her. What could possibly be drawing her toward this ethereal glow, and what secrets awaited her at its source?

To her surprise, the glow led her to the bedroom where Hermione was staying, the soft light casting a warm and inviting aura around the room. Before Alexia could even process her surroundings, Ginny emerged from the bathroom, her hair still damp from the shower, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence," Ginny teased, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "Too eager to see Hermione, are we?"

Alexia couldn't help but laugh at Ginny's jest, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the implication. "No, I mean, yes, no, wait," she replied, her tone laced with amusement. "I just... followed the glow. It led me here."

Ginny raised an eyebrow in mock suspicion, her lips curling into a sly grin. "Ah, I see. So you're saying a fake glow of destiny led you straight to Hermione's bedroom? One that I can't see may I add" she quipped, unable to resist poking fun at her friend's newfound revelation.

Before Alexia could respond, Hermione emerged from the room, a warm smile lighting up her features as she greeted Alexia with a gentle embrace. "Good morning, love," she said softly, her voice filled with affection.

As Alexia returned Hermione's embrace, enveloped in the warmth of her presence, she couldn't help but marvel at the lucky turn of events that had led her to this moment.

Ginny playfully made gagging noises in response to the affectionate display between Alexia and Hermione, Hermione couldn't help but laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. With a playful roll of her eyes, she gently took Alexia's hand and guided her into the bedroom, leaving Ginny to her theatrics in the hallway.

Once inside the room, Hermione noticed the faint blush that tinged Alexia's cheeks, and she furrowed her brow in concern. "Is everything okay, love?" she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Alexia's blush deepened at Hermione's endearing use of the term "love," and she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. "Actually, Hermione," she began, her tone teasing yet affectionate, "that's the first time you've called me love."

Hermione's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink at the realization, and she glanced down shyly, her heart fluttering with a mixture of embarrassment and fondness. "Oh, well... I suppose I didn't even realize I said it," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Unable to resist teasing her girlfriend, Alexia leaned in closer, her voice dripping with playful affection. "Well, I must say, Hermione, I rather liked the sound of it," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Hermione's blush deepened at Alexia's playful remark, but she couldn't help but smile at the genuine warmth and love that radiated between them. With a soft chuckle, she reached out to gently caress Alexia's cheek, her heart overflowing with love for the girl who had captured her heart.

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