Chapter #8

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September 1st, the Hogwarts Express has just left King's Cross Station.

As the train rumbled down the tracks, Alexia, Harry, Hermione, and Ron settled into an empty compartment, relieved to have some privacy amidst the bustle of the train. Hermione's hand found its way into Alexia's, the touch sending a comforting warmth through Alexia's veins.

Alexia squeezed Hermione's hand gently, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked into Hermione's eyes, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. The gentle rhythm of the train seemed to soothe them into a peaceful silence, broken only by the occasional sound of laughter from the corridor outside.

Harry leaned back against the seat, his eyes drifting out the window as he lost himself in thought. Ron fidgeted with his jacket zipper, casting occasional glances at the passing view.

But for Alexia and Hermione, the world outside the compartment seemed to fade away as they sat in comfortable silence, their fingers intertwined, each lost in their own thoughts yet connected by the simple act of holding hands. It was a moment of quiet intimacy amidst the chaos of the journey ahead, a reminder that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other's unwavering support.

Hermione glanced at her watch, a hint of urgency in her eyes as she nudged Ron gently. "Come on, Ron, we need to get changed. We're Prefects now, remember?"

Ron let out an exaggerated groan, slouching further into his seat. "Do we have to? I was just getting comfortable."

Alexia joined in with a mock whine, throwing her arm over Ron's shoulder. "Yeah, Hermione, can't you just let us enjoy the ride in peace?"

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully, giving them both a pointed look. "You can enjoy the ride all you want love, but duty calls. Me and Ron have a responsibility now, remember?"

Ron grumbled under his breath, but reluctantly got to his feet, straightening his now robes with a resigned sigh. "Fine, fine. Let's get this over with."

As Hermione and Ron made their way out of the compartment, Alexia shot Hermione a playful pout. "You're abandoning me already?"

Hermione leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to Alexia's cheek. "I'll be back before you know it. Behave yourselves while I'm gone."
As Hermione and Ron exited the compartment, Harry couldn't resist a teasing remark. "Looks like someone's going to miss their girlfriend already," he quipped, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

Alexia shot Harry a mock glare, crossing her arms in a playful display of mock offence. "Oh, shut it, Potter," she retorted, her tone laced with amusement. "I can't help it if I'm going to be bored without Hermione around."

Harry chuckled, leaning back against the seat with a grin. "Sure, sure. Just don't cry too much in her absence, alright?"

Rolling her eyes with a grin, Alexia nudged Harry playfully. "You're just jealous you don't have someone to miss you," she teased, earning a laugh from Harry as they settled into their seats for the journey ahead.


As the train rumbled steadily along the tracks, Harry found solace in the familiar presence of Alexia beside him. Leaning back against his seat, he let out a long breath, the weight of the past year heavy on his mind.

"You know," Harry began, his voice soft, "it's kind of nice to have you here, Alexia. You're the only one who really understands... everything that happened last year."

Alexia nodded understandingly, her gaze meeting Harry's with empathy. "Yeah, I get it, Harry," she replied quietly. "It's been a lot for all of us, but especially for you. Witnessing... what we saw..." Her voice trailed off, the memories still fresh in her mind.

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