Chapter eleven - kiss

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Lucifer was staring at Alastor's ears, chewing his lip. They were so fluffy and soft... he really did just want to bury his face in Alastor's hair.

Have some self-control...! He told himself.

But Alastor was stood so close, looking so smug. Lucifer wondered if he knew how attractive he was.

Probably. He wouldn't carry himself so confidently if he didn't. And that confidence was part of what made him so attractive in the first place. As well as his warmth, his arms, his face...

"It is considered rude to stare, you know."

Lucifer jolted. Shit, he'd been staring.

"Yeah, well. Too bad. You're fun to stare at."

An awkward silence hung heavy between them. Alastor finally spoke up.

"Well, I ought to be going now. Goodbye~!"

Lucifer didn't realise what he was doing until he had already done it.

He sprung down from the desk and grabbed Alastor's bowtie, pulling the radio demon down to his level. He kissed Alastor's cheek, expecting him to pull away. But Alastor never did. He just stood there, his smile frozen and his eyes wide. When Lucifer finally let go, the radio demon took a moment to stand up.

Then, without a word, he melted into his shadow, which slithered out of the door and down the hall to Alastor's room.

Lucifer wanted to launch himself from his balcony.

Why had he done that?! Why did he kiss Alastor?! Only a moment ago he had been thinking of nothing more than innocent ear pets and now this.

He paced the room, chewing on his lip anxiously, tapping his fingers against each other. It was only a kiss on the cheek. That was fine, right? That was ok? He could do that??

His stomach was tense with anxiety, but that didn't stop the butterflies from fluttering around in there. Perhaps he would have been less anxious had he known that Alastor was also pacing his room, butterflies dancing about in his stomach once again.

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