Chapter eight - dance

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Screaming crying throwing up (this chapter is so soppy help)


The party continued uninterrupted, nobody noticing Lucifer and Alastor's short absence.

By the time Lucifer had calmed himself down enough to come back to the party, Alastor had already joined Rosie on a sofa and was talking animatedly with a glass of red wine in his hand.

The way he sat, with his legs crossed and his posture perfect, draping an arm over the back of the sofa as he sipped delicately on the wine, his smile more genuine that Lucifer had ever seen, oh, it was almost too perfect. Lucifer's heart started beating a little faster than normal. Again.

He placed a hand in the centre of his chest and turned away, nearly walking into his daughter.

"Charlie-! Hello!" He grinned, always happy to see her. She smiled back.

"Hi Dad!"
Vaggie came up beside her and smiled also, informing Lucifer that Charlie may have had a little too much to drink. Lucifer laughed understandingly as the two walked together to another sofa on the opposite side of the room.

He turned back to Alastor. Rosie had left for whatever reason and Alastor was left looking into his wine glass, swirling the last few drops around in the bottom of the glass.

He could have been a model...

Alastor looked up at Lucifer, his smile growing slightly. Lucifer jolted, feeling his face getting hot. He scowled and turned away.

He may have finally admitted his feelings to himself but he would never admit them to Alastor.

A song came on that Lucifer recognised and enjoyed. He knew it because Alastor often played it on his radio broadcasts.

The radio demon himself seemed to perk up at the sound of it, glancing towards the speakers, then back at Lucifer.

He stood up and placed his wine glass on a table before approaching Lucifer, who seemed to have forgotten his entire vocabulary in the previous few moments.

"Shall we dance together, Lucifer~?"

Lucifer's mind was all over the place. Dance? Alastor wanted to dance? With him? Really? Why? How?

Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, and, upon finding that he was incapable of forming words, he just nodded.

Alastor took the King's hand in his and kissed the top of it, which made Lucifer so flustered he could have possibly exploded.

Then they began dancing. The moves seemed to come easily to Alastor, as if he had been born with this ability to dance. Lucifer was a little more awkward, but he was able to keep up alright. No way was he letting Alastor be better than him at anything.

As they danced, Lucifer's awkwardness seemed to dissipate, and confidence took its place. He began to smile, a happy, bright, genuine smile. It was like he'd forgotten that he and Alastor were ever on bad terms to begin with.

Of course, this did not go unnoticed. Charlie and Vaggie watched them, smiling, Charlie just glad they were finally getting along. Angel watched them with a raised eyebrow, glancing at Husk, who returned his knowing glance and grinned. Niffty was nowhere to be seen, but I'm sure she was watching from somewhere in the walls, the strange little gremlin that she was.

They danced and danced, not even noticing when the dance floor emptied and it was just them. Lucifer spun around, giggling quietly, like a schoolgirl at her prom dance with the guy that everyone was crushing on but only she was able to have.

The dance finally ended and Alastor pulled Lucifer to his chest, grinning happily down at the little King. Lucifer felt right at home in his arms. The same warm, safe arms from Chapter one that had caught him when he threw himself from the stage. Lucifer felt the butterflies come back, and this time he didn't try to shun them.

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