Chapter six - elevator

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I like writing it, I hate reading it. Hope its not so bad for you loathsome sinners


A day passed. Alastor and Lucifer kept their distance. But it was only a day before Lucifer got bored of the tension and decided to confront Alastor.

He waited and waited.

The party plans were finished. So much happened and Lucifer felt the time crawl by, much slower than he thought it ever had in his very long life.

Alastor entered the elevator and Lucifer raced to follow him, grateful that nobody was keeping him.

Alastor ignored him.

"You! You there!" Lucifer stared up at him as the elevator began to ascend. Alastor delivered the bombastic side eye.


Lucifer opened his mouth. Huh. He hadn't actually planned what he was going to say.

"Uh... you uh- what's your problem?"

Alastor chuckled, the radio static in his voice seeming to flow over his laughter like melted chocolate over a strawberry.

"My problem~? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe it was you-" He booped Lucifer's nose. "-who chased me into the elevator. Why, might I ask? To provoke me?"

Lucifer faltered, his cheeks flushing as Alastor booped his nose. He hated being treated like a child.

"Because, well, if that's the case, perhaps you are just a great big baby~."

Lucifer scowled. Just because his stomach was filled with more butterflies than a rural garden centre didn't mean that Alastor could treat him like shit.

"Is my height the only thing you can find to insult? I'm flattered."

Alastor sneered. "Being as short as you are i supposed it makes sense that you were flattened."

Lucifer gasped. What a retort. It was strangely enticing to be left speechless by such a quick, witty insult. The butterflies became nervous at the rage building in his chest.

"You think you're so much better than me just because you're taller? Well my inches went elsewhere."

He folded his arms, trying to appear nonchalant about Alastor's laughing.

"What, you don't believe me?"

"No, I don't believe you. Why should I?"

Lucifer smirked. Alastor had walked right into his trap.

"Then let me prove it~."

A loud screech filled the elevator. The doors opened just then. Alastor's expression was one of utter disgust mixed with surprise and a little intrigue. Lucifer took note of all of this and grinned, stepping out of the elevator and walking to his room, flipping Alastor the bird over his shoulder.

Alastor stepped out of the elevator and sighed, straightening his bow tie, which did not need straitening, but he needed something to do that made him feel less awkward.

What a conversation.

Alastor walked to his own room. He didn't hate the banter with Lucifer. In fact, it was almost endearing the way that the little King seemed to feel superior to Alastor.

Alastor looked out of the window and began his radio broadcast as usual.

On two separate ends of the hotel's top floor, two groups of butterflies danced daintily.

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