Chapter nine - bedroom

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This is probably the most mild suggestiveness ever. Nothing happens... yet... enjoy~


Lucifer went to bed after the party, his heart beating almost out of his chest. A silly grin spread across his flushed face as his chest rose and fell slightly faster than normal. He lay staring at the ceiling, a hand resting on his stomach like he could feel the butterflies in there.

He was overjoyed. Alastor had danced with him voluntarily! He hadn't been forced or done it as part of a trust exercise or anything - not that Charlie would do that... probably. Would she? No... not if Alastor was smiling. Lucifer felt that there was a distinct difference between Alastor's usual smile and the smile he did when he actually meant it.

He rolled onto his side, staring at the door. A thought crossed his mind, a shadow over the glowing joy of his evening.

It was Lilith.

She'd been gone a while. And, nobody had thought Alastor was going to come back, when he disappeared around the same time. So why would they expect her to return? Why should he expect her to return?

He wondered if it was really ok for him to continue the way that things were going. His and Alastor's petty rivalry was shaping up to be something really rather lovely. At least, in Lucifer's head.

He rolled over to the other side.

Did Alastor feel the same way?

He rolled over again.

I mean, surely, he must. Right? He asked to dance! Lucifer hadn't done anything to indicate that he wanted anything... he hadn't even been thinking about dancing with the radio demon when Alastor just came over and-

Lucifer rolled onto his back and covered his face with his hands, groaning. Why, oh why did he have to overthink everything?! Why couldn't he just-


Lucifer jumped and fell off the bed with a yelp. He quickly picked himself back up.

"Ah- y-yes?"

Alastor was peeking around the door, his eyebrow raised.

"You seem rather... restless."

Lucifer tried not to laugh. No thanks to you, he thought.

Alastor walked into the room and closed the door silently behind him. Lucifer gulped and tried to drag his mind from the gutter. Alastor didn't even swing that way.

Lucifer took a step back as Alastor walked closer. Eventually he hit the desk and could go back no further. Oops.

Alastor stopped not an inch away from Lucifer. The little king tried to pretend he wasn't internally screaming. He was. Alastor wasn't buying it.

"Are you quite alright? You seem flushed~..."

Lucifer laughed it off. "'M fine. It's just- I'm just- tired. From dancing. Yeah, that's it."

Alastor laughed also, still not buying Lucifer's bullshit. He nodded, playing along anyway.

"I suppose that ought to explain it then. Interesting place you have here, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of visiting before."

Lucifer shook his head. Alastor had never been in his room before, because they'd never been able to share the same oxygen without trying to kill each other before now.

Alastor was in his room.

Lucifer smiled shakily and gestured around the room at the precarious piles of rubber duckies.

"Welcome...!" He said awkwardly. He just needed Alastor to step away from him so that he could recompose himself. Alastor was clearly not interested in the room, his red eyes lidded, staring at Lucifer's face. He looked hungry, but not hungry for food. Hungry perhaps for something else.

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