Chapter five - flustered

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I've been reading good omens so my writing has gone weird now 😭 I hate myself 💅🏻


Lucifer woke, startled by his own dreams. Well, startled may be the wrong word. Perhaps pleasantly surprised fits better.

He sat up and dangled his feet off the bed. They didn't reach the floor and he laughed wretchedly at himself. Maybe if he was taller...

He shook his head, then buried it in his hands. A loud, frustrated groan emanated from his mouth and he threw himself backwards to starfish on the bed, scowling at the ceiling as though it had just insulted him in the worst imaginable way.

The radio behind him caught his attention. He remembered last night, falling asleep to the gentle sound of the radio static, Alastor's last sentence...

Hope you enjoyed this broadcast, Lucifer~...

Lucifer felt his stomach do a flip and cursed at himself. It was beginning to dawn on him just what he might be feeling. But he would deny it until his dying day.

Or whenever it became convenient to stop denying it. Which would absolutely be never.

He got changed into his usual white suit, fixing his hair in the mirror. But it was a rushed job.

Lucifer left his room, almost walking straight into Alastor.

"Hey-!!" Lucifer scowled at Alastor. "Watch where you're walking, dumbass."

He was about to walk away but he felt a hand on his shoulder. Alastor pulled him back slightly and turned him around.

Too surprised to react, Lucifer just stood there awkwardly as Alastor fixed his hair, humming gently as he did so.

He remained stood there, not even hearing Alastor's smarmy comment ("Smile, my dear! You're never fully dressed without one~."). He was still stood there when Alastor was gone, stunned, replaying the moment over and over in his head.

Alastor's soft hands. Alastor's gentle smell. His eyes looking not at Lucifer's face but just comfortably past it, fixing his hair.

Lucifer blinked. Then he blinked again. He finally moved, walking quickly down the stairs, his mind racing.

What the fuck? Why did Alastor do that?! And what was that comment on the radio last night- what was that tone?! What a prick, thought Lucifer. Thinking he can go around acting all seductive and sexy thinking I won't notice.

But the lobby was busy. He couldn't get Alastor alone here. People were planning for Vaggie and Charlie's party, and Alastor was there in the centre, speaking to Charlie herself. Lucifer took a deep breath and prepared himself to act normally in front of his daughter.

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