Chapter two - (p2) Compromise

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I felt like chapter 2 was too short so I created a part 2. It is a direct continuation of chapter 2.


Lucifer was thinking. He was thinking about Lilith. He was thinking about Charlie. He was thinking about Alastor, and how much he hated that tacky piece of-

Knock knock knock.

Lucifer nearly fell over. He held his hat to his head and rushed to the door.
"Yep! Yep! On my way!"

Alastor's eerie grin greeted him from the other side.

"Hello, your majesty."
The words seemed forced. Alastor clearly hated having to respect Lucifer. The feeling was mutual.

He said impatiently.

Alastor shut his eyes and sighed.
"Charlie has sent me to... make amends. However. I enjoy our rivalry. Its greatly entertaining to me."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. Of course it would be.

"So... I am here simply to provoke you, and pretend that I came to make amends."

Alastor's grin widened just slightly. Lucifer tried not to react. There was no way this lanky creep was getting the better of him.

"Oh? And what if I decide to tell Charlie that you came to be petty instead of do what she asked?"
Lucifer asked, genuinely curious as to what Alastor's plan would be.

But the Radio Demon just laughed.
"And upset her? Tell me, why would you do that?"

Lucifer considered this. And, despite everything, Alastor was right. Lucifer chewed the inside of his lip anxiously, thinking of what to say.

Nothing good came to mind.
Alastor smiled and admired the microphone atop his cane while Lucifer thought about things.

"Fine." he said finally. "We continue our rivalry behind closed doors. It's funny to pick on you, and so as not to make Charlie upset, we will..."


Lucifer swallowed. Alastor really had a voice that could make anyone fall in love with him. Not Lucifer, of course, no no, he was far better than that.

"Yes. Compromise."

Alastor extended his hand.


Lucifer examined it cautiously. What could be the harm, he thought. So he shook it.

Alastor grinned as he wrapped his slender fingers around Lucifer's dainty hand and shook it.

His hands are warm... and so soft... Lucifer stared at it.

" can let go of my hand now. The deal is done."

Lucifer flinched. "Yes!" He pulled his hand away quickly. What was he doing?! He cursed at himself.

"Ahem. Yes. Whatever. Until next time."

He slammed the door in Alastor's face.

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