random headcannons!

43 1 0


Don't question how I reassured from the dead. Hush now. I'm here now.


Characters: Jake lockley, Steven grant and Marc spector

Summary; literally just random ass headcannons.


Marc spector: Marc is either terrible or uncomfortable with children or he's good  with them. No in between,  no joke.

He's actually decent at cooking, not like a professional chef  level but still good to make some good and decent food that is edible.

No joke, he must have tripped at least once in his moon knight suit, you know the mummy like bandages? (I literally forgot what it's called but I'm calling it that), no joke that khonshu had teased the hell out of him (i forgot how to spell khonshu, its been awhile).

Marc once had mispronounced a British term, everyone around him literally stared at him like he was insane. Marc was still confused till this day.


Steven grant: this man is terrible at cooking, he can actually make simple and normal things but baking and trying to make something fancy? Call the fire department.

Steven is actually kinda good with kids including the fact it's kinda evidence in show but he still wouldn't want a child himself, baby sitting? Sure! But raising his own? Yea no, fuck that.

Steven was actually that one quiet kid that is sweet, sure he was getting bullied but not too bad, he was quite known but in a good way (he also hated the school uniforms, the colours didn't suit him).

He almost spent £1000+ on books....he regrets it sometimes because he hasn't read all his books.

This dude actually watched the news for fun, no joke. He likes watching it while eating something.

The only reason Steven got gus was because he noticed Gus had one fin which Steven thought he was special.


Jake lockley: this mf actually hated the fact Marcus and Steven got moon knight suits and he didn't get to have on. He literally had complained 24/7 about it to khonshu.

He actually likes cats over dogs. Preferably black cats because he thinks they are like him (emo bitch).

Jake barley as an education due to how much he can barley came out. So he only gets education from khonshu or anything he remembers from Steven and Marc.

Bro almost killed his driving instructor when he first started to drive a car. That driving instructor was actually terrified for his life to the point he still gave Jake him his licence.

Literally laughs and lives for children falling, like he laughs at it everytime no matter how old they are.


Words counted: 450

I'm half asleep so most likely they will be spelling mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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